Origins of the police - David Whitehouse Excellent text examining the creation of the first police forces, which took place in England and the US in just a few decades in the mid-19th…
Nostalgia for origins - Miguel Amorós A 2007 essay on nationalism, whose “most progressive” historical variant “in the human sense” stood for the defense of “old customs and…
International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 6 The Volume 1, Number 6 (March 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.
International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 4 The Volume 1, Number 4 (January 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.
Unconscious objectivity - aspects of a critique of the mathematical natural sciences (excerpts) - Claus Peter Ortlieb A mathematician takes a sceptical look at the mathematical basis of modern natural…
Aircraft carrier imperialism - Amadeo Bordiga Amadeo Bordiga examines the significance of sea power in modern imperialism after the decline of the land-based feudal empires of Europe, the…
The culture industry in the 21st century - Robert Kurz In this revised and expanded version of a 2010 talk, Robert Kurz examines the continuing relevance,…
War and revolution - Amadeo Bordiga In this 1950 article from the “Thread of Time” series Amadeo Bordiga examines the question of war and revolution in Marxist theory…
The complete works of Rosa Luxemburg, volume 1: economic writings 1 This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg’s Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of…
Marx's theory, the crisis and the abolition of capitalism - Robert Kurz In this 2010 interview, Robert Kurz discusses Marx’s theory of crisis, the theories of “collapse”…
The road to barbarism - an interview with Robert Kurz - Anselmo Massad A brief 2011 interview with Robert Kurz about the ongoing slide towards barbarism caused by the…