The lost honor of labor - Robert Kurz In this provocative and wide-ranging 1991 essay, Robert Kurz marshals Marx’s critique of the basic categories of capitalism and argues for …
Turning Modes of Production Inside Out, or, Why Capitalism is a Transformation of Slavery In this article anarchist anthropologist David Graber puts forward his own views on the 'mode of production' and gives a more sophisticated materialist alternative.
Interview on The Black Book of Capitalism - Robert Kurz Robert Kurz discusses his book, The Black Book of Capitalism, which he describes as a "radical…
Caliban and the witch - Silvia Federici Caliban and the Witch is a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the…
The Planetary War of the United States of America Extensive analysis of the capitalist world system, inter-imperialst rivalries and war in the current epoch from a 'bordigist' perspective written in 2001.
Who is to blame? - Anselm Jappe A short essay contesting the notion that the current economic crisis is the result of "greed" or irresponsible speculation by evil bankers or…
Consequences of the Misuse of Electricity-Jose Manuel Rojo A 2001 essay interpreting such phenomena as the rise of reality TV shows, public video surveillance…
Making a killing: suicide under capitalism An article on the relation between capitalism and suicide from the June 2011 issue of The Commune.
From one utopia to another - Anselm Jappe Anselm Jappe turns the tables on the apologists for capitalism who denounce “utopia” as the seed of Stalinist terror and as contrary to “human…
The Agrarian Origin of Capitalism - Darren Poynton (2011) The transition from feudalism to capitalism is often viewed as the result of a gradual and rising…
The fatal pressure of competition - Robert Kurz 2002 analysis of the phenomenon of school shootings, which the author claims reflect the totalitarian mass psychology of capitalism in crisis,…