China Blue China Blue is a documentary that follows a 17 year old Chinese girl migrating from her home in the Sichuan province to work in a jeans factory in Guangdong. It shows the harsh realities as a…
Libcom library recommendations on China Even though libcom is primarily a UK based, English language website, there are still tonnes of articles from and about other parts of the world…
Workers' struggles in East Asia (February 2012) Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia during February 2012 and related resources. The most important stories…
A tale of 2 petitions When I think of petitioning in the UK, I think of walking around some town centre on a Saturday, hearing someone on a megaphone ranting how they…
Chinese millionaires fork out thousands to satisfy their urge to kill It seems the new parasitic class of Chinese millionaires are not content with merely making millions…
State repression of activists in China Here's a TV clip commenting on the state repression of activists in China, more specifically the case of Zhang Shujie, a supporter of the Hong…
Government officials flee Zhejiang village over land grab protests Another Chinese village, apparently inspired by the Wukan uprising of last year, has been protesting…
Occupy Central Hong Kong This is just a personal insight in to the Occupy Central Hong Kong (OCHK) camp. Hopefully it gives a bit more of an idea of what is going on…
Workers' struggles in East Asia (January 2012) Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia during January 2012 and related resources. The most important stories…
Up The Yangtze A documentary about the effects the building of the Three Gorges Dam across the Yangtze river in China has had on the people who lived in the surrounding areas. It a gives a good insight…
Last train home A documentary focusing on one family of migrant workers, mainly around Chinese New Year. It reveals the conditions they live and work in, and the strain it has on the family, which comes out…
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Here's a video (and links to a couple of other videos) previewing the new documentary about the Chinese artist and political activist, Ai Weiwei,…