Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia during February 2012 and related resources. The most important stories appear on my Twitter feed as soon as I find them:

This month there has been news from Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The most important stories:
-WSWS Asia 4: Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific (link 1)
-WSWS Asia 11: Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific (link 1)
-WSWS Asia 18: Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific (link 1)
-WSWS Asia 25: Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific (link 1)
Burma/Myanmar 3: Thai energy workers strike in Tavoy (link 1)
Burma/Myanmar 6: Strike over Chinese New Year Wage Dispute (link 1) (link 2)
Burma/Myanmar 9: Police lurk as Rangoon strike continues (link 1)
Burma/Myanmar 10: Rangoon factory workers' protest spreads (link 1)
Burma/Myanmar 14: Tai Yi Strikers Make Pay Deal in Rangoon (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)
Burma/Myanmar 24: Myanmar villagers protest eviction (link 1)
Burma/Myanmar 28: Striking Factory Workers Form Union (link 1) (link 2)
Cambodia 2: Protest gears up at factory (link 1)
Cambodia 14: Workers' demands granted (link 1)
Cambodia 16: Shoe workers walk out (link 1) (link 2)
Cambodia 16: Strike spins new deal for cycle factory crew (link 1)
Cambodia 20: Gunfire hits at least 3 striking Cambodian workers (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14)
Cambodia 21: Shoe employees walk out for three sacked union leaders (link 1)
Cambodia 23: Protesters Riot, Block Highway (link 1) (link 2)
Cambodia 23: Villagers take hostages (link 1)
Cambodia 29: Strike by textile workers (link 1)
China 1: Rare Voting in Rebel Village (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10)
China 7: Zhejiang Villagers Protest Land Grabs (link 1) (link 2)
China 9: Village in Zhejiang Mimics Wukan, Expelling Local Officials (link 1) (link 2)
China 15: Strike at Putzmeister Machinery Shanghai (link 1) (link 2)
China 17: Steel workers in Shaanxi and Sichuan strike for higher pay (link 1)
China 17: Arrests after land protests in China's Zhejiang province (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)
China 22: Pension Protests Flood Dam Town (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
China 26: Crack down on another protesting village - Panhe (link 1) (link 2)
China 27: Strike wave resumes in China (link 1)
China 29: Labor Camp for Petitioning Activist (link 1)
Indonesia 1: Labor Deal Prevents Another Massive Strike (link 1) (link 2)
Indonesia 7: Riot Sets Fire on Facilities in Morowali (link 1) (link 2)
Indonesia 7: Krakatau Steel Workers' Safety Insurance Demand (link 1)
Indonesia 8: Strike at PT Varta Microbattery (link 1)
Indonesia 9: Workers tone down protest after Apindo retracts lawsuit (link 1)
Indonesia 9: How Are You Factory Workers Strike (link 1)
Indonesia 16: Bemo Drivers hold City Hall Demonstration (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
Indonesia 21: Strike at PT Sanmina-SCI (link 1)
Indonesia 22: Riot at Bali's Kerobokan prison (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18) (link 19)
Indonesia 23: Strike renewed at Freeport (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)
Indonesia 25: Protest of land dispute (link 1)
Indonesia 28: Strike at biscuit factory (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
Malaysia 8: Nube plan strike against Maybank (link 1)
Malaysia 26: Protest against planned Lynas rare-earth refinery (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)
Singapore 6: 200 Bangladeshis strike in Singapore (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
South Korea 25: Strike at Broadcaster MBC (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
All reports ordered by country and date:
26: The Wukan uprising and its lessons (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
-WSWS Asia
4: Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific (link 1)
11: Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific (link 1)
18: Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific (link 1)
25: Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific (link 1)
3: Thai energy workers strike in Tavoy (link 1)
6: Strike over Chinese New Year Wage Dispute (link 1) (link 2)
9: Police lurk as Rangoon strike continues (link 1)
10: Rangoon factory workers' protest spreads (link 1)
14: Tai Yi Strikers Make Pay Deal in Rangoon (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)
16: Yangon, company grants wage increase to striking workers (link 1)
24: Transitions: Burma's workers push back (link 1)
24: Burma's Punk Scene Fights Repression Underground (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
24: Myanmar villagers protest eviction (link 1)
28: Striking Factory Workers Form Union (link 1) (link 2)
1: More Arrests Follow Land Clash (link 1) (link 2)
2: Protest gears up at factory (link 1)
4: Ousted hotel and resort worker unionists capitulate (link 1)
9: Kampong Speu protesters face guns (link 1) (link 2)
14: Workers' demands granted (link 1)
16: Shoe workers walk out (link 1) (link 2)
16: Strike spins new deal for cycle factory crew (link 1)
20: Gunfire hits at least 3 striking Cambodian workers (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14)
21: Angkor Village Hotel and Resort workers fight for right to strike (link 1) (link 2)
21: Shoe employees walk out for three sacked union leaders (link 1)
22: Dancing eases protest tension (link 1)
22: Ultimatum Issued Over Workers' Conditions (link 1)
23: Protesters Riot, Block Highway (link 1) (link 2)
23: Villagers take hostages (link 1)
24: Puma probes Cambodia units (link 1)
28: Hundreds Protest Dam Plans (link 1)
29: Strike by textile workers (link 1)
1: Rare Voting in Rebel Village (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10)
3: Chinese Protesters Shout 'Down with the Chinese Communist Party!' (link 1)
7: Zhejiang Villagers Protest Land Grabs (link 1) (link 2)
9: Village in Zhejiang Mimics Wukan, Expelling Local Officials (link 1) (link 2)
10: Herdsmen Demand Answers, Compensation (link 1)
11: Wukan Village Elects Deputies (link 1)
15: Strike at Putzmeister Machinery Shanghai (link 1) (link 2)
17: Chinese hand back body of village whose death sparked protest (link 1)
17: Steel workers in Shaanxi and Sichuan strike for higher pay (link 1)
17: Arrests after land protests in China's Zhejiang province (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4)
20: China Now Has 500 Protests Daily: Party Scholar (link 1)
22: Pension Protests Flood Dam Town (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
26: Crack down on another protesting village - Panhe (link 1) (link 2)
27: Strike wave resumes in China (link 1)
28: Calming Cabbies: Beijing Seeks Taxi Peace (link 1)
29: Labor Camp for Petitioning Activist (link 1)
1: Labor Deal Prevents Another Massive Strike (link 1) (link 2)
2: Strike wave in Indonesia (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)
2: Five villagers gunned down in land dispute (link 1) (link 2)
7: Protest against nickel mine (link 1) (link 2)
7: Riot Sets Fire on Facilities in Morowali (link 1) (link 2)
7: Krakatau Steel Workers' Safety Insurance Demand (link 1)
8: Strike at PT Varta Microbattery (link 1)
9: Workers tone down protest after Apindo retracts lawsuit (link 1)
9: How Are You Factory Workers Strike (link 1)
10: Police killed two student protesters and injured 82 others in anti gold mine protest in December (link 1)
12: Protesters reject senior FPI officials (link 1)
15: Jakarta�s new minimum wages fail to satisfy labor union (link 1)
16: Bemo Drivers hold City Hall Demonstration (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
21: Strike at PT Sanmina-SCI (link 1)
22: Riot at Bali's Kerobokan prison (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7) (link 8) (link 9) (link 10) (link 11) (link 12) (link 13) (link 14) (link 15) (link 16) (link 17) (link 18) (link 19)
23: Strike renewed at Freeport (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6) (link 7)
24: Despite Victories Activists Worry About Unions� Growth (link 1)
25: Protest of land dispute (link 1)
28: Strike at biscuit factory (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
27: Protest against US military base (link 1)
3: Unionists protest Maybank�s sacking of two officials (link 1) (link 2)
8: Nube plan strike against Maybank (link 1)
15: 200 bank staff protest sacking of colleagues (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5)
24: More anti-Lynas rallies planned (link 1)
26: Protest against planned Lynas rare-earth refinery (link 1) (link 2) (link 3) (link 4) (link 5) (link 6)
10: Manila public school teachers protest vs 'unpaid' assistance (link 1)
14: Protesters held for holding lightning rally at Palace gates on Valentine's Day (link 1)
22: 10th year of legalization of contractualization marked with nationwide protests (link 1)
6: 200 Bangladeshis strike in Singapore (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
14: Singapore's migrant workers struggle to secure better deal (link 1)
South Korea
16: S Korean female labor activist gets suspended jail term (link 1)
24: Protest against military base on Jeju Island (link 1)
25: Strike at Broadcaster MBC (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
27: Farmers' Protest Free Trade Agreement (link 1)
19: First union formed for higher education professionals (link 1)
20: Tao protest against nuclear facility (link 1)
28: Anti-nuke organization demonstrates in Taipei (link 1)
2: Asia Land Rights Activists Protest World Bank (link 1)
2: Workers protest at Labour Ministry on lack of post-flood employment (link 1)
6: Nearly 700 inmates in Thailand rebel against custodians (link 1) (link 2) (link 3)
28: Protest over minimum wage (link 1) (link 2)
2: Warning from land seizure in Hai Phong (link 1) (link 2)
10: Farmer hailed as hero in Vietnam after shooting cops (link 1)
16: Students demand bonus payment from company (link 1)
21: Hundreds Protest Land Grabs in Capital (link 1) (link 2)