Introductory Draft of (((The Conspiracy))): A Political Economy of Antisemitism, Crisis and the Socialism of Fools Let it first be said that there is nothing shocking or confusing about the present…
Post-Colonial Anarchism A discussion of anarchism from a post-colonial perspectives. Also discusses the place of nationalism in anarchism.
Debunking the myth of "Irish slaves" A detailed, seven part series of articles by Irish historian Liam Hogan systematically demolishing the white supremacist myth of there being…
Three Stars and a Sun [bahay kubo kahit munti] An introduction to antistatism and antinationalism for a Philippine audience.
The African Liberation Reader (Vols. 1 - 3) The three volumes of the African Liberation Reader collect documents from national liberation movements across Africa. Many of these movements…
Sketches of an Archipelagic Poetics of Postcolonial Belonging An non-state and non-nationalist sketch for the archipelago known as the Philippines.
The History of a Riot: Class, Popular Protest and Violence in Early Colonial Nelson Petitions, public meetings, strikes, go-slows, violence and armed revolt. Nelson, New Zealand in…
The Prison Memoirs Of A Japanese Woman The memoirs of Japanese anarchist and anti-colonial activist Fumiko Kaneko, written while she was in prison, where she died most likely by…
Global Capitalism, Empire, White Supremacy: The Mosque Shooting In Perspective Analysis that situates recent white supremacist violence as a product of global capitalism and it's…
1964: British troops help Julius Nyerere suppress a mutiny In 1964 a wave of mutinies swept Tanganyika, Kenya, and Uganda. Julius Nyerere requested military…
1848: Impact of Revolution on French Colonies An article on French Colonialization and the impact of the Revolution of 1848.