Otto Ruhle and the German labour movement - Paul Mattick Paul Mattick critically analyses Otto Rühle's role in the German Revolution.
Intakes: Fascism/Anti-Fascism - Barrot Replies 'Jean Barrot' responds to our review of his influential text Fascism/Anti-fascism: 'The proletariat is not weak because it's divided: its…
Review: Fascism / Anti-Fascism by Jean Barrot Aufheben review "Fascism/Anti-Fascism" and ask does antifascism necessarily entail supporting one face of the state against another?
Nazism and the working class - Sergio Bologna Italian autonomist Sergio Bologna discusses the rise of Nazism and its relationship to the German working class.
Searchlight and the State - "Sniper" From issue 36 of Anarchy (second series) from summer 1983. Reprinted by Kate Sharpley Library in 2001. The article where "anti-fascist" magazine…
Searchlight for Beginners - Larry O' Hara An investigation into anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, and its links with British intelligence services. Despite causing a lot of problems for…
Fascism/Antifascism - Gilles Dauvé This translation of the first 10 sections of Dauvé's text '« Bilan » Contre-Révolution en Espagne' was first published by Black Cat Press in…
Kirschey, Helmut, 1913-2003 A short biography of Helmut Kirschey, who was probably the last surviving German anarchist to have fought with the Durruti Column in the Spanish…
Berneri, Luigi Camillo, 1897-1937 The life of famous Italian anarchist, Luigi Camillo Berneri, who was assassinated by Stalinists during the Spanish Civil War.
Borghi, Armando, 1882-1968 A short biography of Italian anarchist and anti-fascist militant Armando Borghi.
Carmagnola, Francesco, 1900-1986 A short biography of Italian-Australian anarchist and anti-fascist, Francesco "Frank" Carmagnola.