Parecon or libertarian communism? A debate over 'anti-capitalist vision' between the Project for a Participatory Society, proponents of Parecon, and the group.
Beyond good and evil: the Gaza massacre The left's response to Israeli atrocities in Gaza provides a case study in ressentiment. If we want to stop such slaughters rather than…
Reproduction; social and sexual This blog is partially the product of ongoing discussions within the Solidarity Federation over the relationship of 'Anarchy, Sex and Freedom,'…
Anti-semitism and the left - redux This has been a hot topic on the forums of late, prompted in part by the spate of discussions in relation to Israel's assault on the Gaza strip…
What recession means for us An analysis of the likely impact of the coming recession on workers' lives and a rallying call for collective action to mitigate that impact.
The politics of affirmation... or the politics of negation? What is it that defines communist politics from the politics of the rest of the left? This blog…
Inflation: rising prices and the 2% pay ceiling An analysis of the use of inflation to attack workers' conditions.
Политика утверждения или политика отрицания? Что отличает коммунистическую политику от политики прочих левых? Я бы ответил на этот вопрос так: коммунизм – это политика отрицания, это…
Postal strike: picket line interview The first national postal strike in 11 years happened on Friday 29 June (2007) with a 24-hour stoppage. caught up with some pickets on the line in Brighton.