A personal account of Rojava - Anonymous (from Lions of Rojava website) An eyewitness account of life in the cantons of Rojava under the PYD, transcribed from the now…
For Workers' Power- Maurice Brinton Maurice Brinton was one of the most influential member of the British Solidarity Group (1961–1992), which sought to inspire a mass movement…
The Libertarian Socialist Revolution - Blood Logic A txt file attached to torrents of tv shows advocating and introducing Libertarian Socialism. It was dedicated to the memory of Alexandros…
Minus journal An online archive of "Minus", an English-language magazine produced in Hong Kong in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970 New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970 by a SPGB member L. E. Weidberg addressing Bertrand Russell, A. J. P. Taylor, Biafra etc.
Is the working class movement dead? The following article is loosely based on the notes for a pre-discussion talk by an AF member to a libertarian socialist discussion meeting in…
Socialist Party of America History and Geography Courtesy Mapping American Social Movements Project, University of Washington. Find an interactive version at http://depts.washington.edu/moves/SP…
Democratic Socialists of America & Libertarian Socialism 1983 Debate from the Workers Solidarity Alliance magazine "ideas & action" on whether or not anarcho…
The Federation: A Libertarian Socialist Discussion Bulletin - # 1 (1975) In 1974 a small group of anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian socialists and anarchist-communists from…
Anarchism & Marxism - Daniel Guerin Anarchism and Marxism (from a paper given in New York on 6 November 1973 with an introduction by the author for the first English language…
Covers of Against the Grain A PDF of some covers from the 1970s libertarian socialist publication, Against the Grain.
Introduction and political statement of Against the Grain Introduction and political statement of the 1970s libertarian socialist Workplace Organizing…