无产阶级闹天宫:意大利六七十年代的阶级斗争与理论探索 这一版三卷本包含了意大利马克思主义的“工人主义”流派及其女权批胖的核心文本。所有这些被首次中译的文本,都来自阶级斗争和政治论战在意大利蓬勃发展的1960和1970年代。
The Labour Process and Class Strategies A collection of texts by Panzieri, Sohn-Rethel, Palloix, Bologna, and Tronti. Published as "CSE Pamphlet no. 1" in 1976 by the UK-based…
We have populism because there is no people - Mario Tronti A piece written by Mario Tronti for a recent issue of Democrazia e Diritto (2010, 3–4), dedicated to…
Radical America #06.03: Alternative education project, May-June 1972 Radical America #06.03: Alternative education project, May-June 1972
Introduction to Marx, Labor-power, Working Class This is the English translation of the introduction to Tronti’s essay Marx, Labour-Power, Working Class (1965), which in turn is forms the theses section of Tronti's book Operai e Capitale (Workers and Capital).
Our operaismo - Mario Tronti Mario Tronti looks back at the development of Italian operaismo during the 1950s/60s.
Workers and capital - Mario Tronti What has been translated of Mario Tronti's 1966 book, Operai e Capitale (Workers and Capital).
Autonomia: Post-Political Politics Semiotext(e)'s book Autonomia: Post-Political Politics about the Autonomia movement, which contains first-hand documents and contemporaneous…
Mario Tronti interviewed by Tonini Bucci An interview with Mario Tronti exploring the ramifications of the demonstrations surrounding the London G20 and other topics.