Striking Stuff - Jean A. Gittins A collection of poems that were written by a member of Yorkshire Women Against Pit Closures during the 1984-85 miners' strike and read at…
Class War #10 1984 Including: miners strike and violence, "Open up the second front", work, Fuck the GLC, etc.
Jenny Tells Her Tale: Stories From the Yorkshire Miners Memories of the 1984-5 miners' strike from Jenny Dennis, who was married to a Kiveton Park miner…
Workers Playtime on the miners' strike Slightly too late for the thirtieth anniversary of the end of the 1984-85 miners' strike... Here are all the Workers' Playtime articles about the…
Workers’ Playtime journal Online archive of Workers’ Playtime, a more-or-less regular class struggle-oriented journal produced between Feb ’83 and May ’85.
Polmaise: the fight for a pit - John McCormack and Simon Pirani This short book/pamphlet was originally published in 1989. It was written by John McCormack, a miner…
Digging deeper: issues in the miners' strike - Huw Beynon A collection of articles by 17 different authors analysing the UK miners' strike in detail. It…
Poster for benefit for Phelps-Dodge and British miners - Libertarian Workers Group A poster from a joint LWG (WSA) - RSL benefit for British and Phelps-Dodge miner strikes in NYC. Donated by NY WSA Library.
Beyond Thatcher : militant testimonies on miners’ struggles and British syndicalism from yesterday and today This year, Margaret Thatcher’s death reminded us of the economic policies she…
The North Sea 3. Coal, oil and after The third part of an interview with Neil Rothnie about North Sea oil workers’organisation.