Myanmar’s Spring Revolution: A Forgotten Revolution Ongoing The world media and the establishment have forgotten about the Myanmar revolution, commonly referred…
Communist Party of Burma & Cultural Revolution This articles explorers how the Communist Party of Burma committed serveral massacres and implemented red fascism in the wake of Cultural…
The Revival of Burma Communist Party (CPB) in Myanmar Spring Revolution Despite sharing many characteristics with the military dictatorship, the Communist Party of Burma…
The ideological development of Communist Party of Burma The Communist Party of Burma is one of the oldest political parties in Myanmar as it existed since…
Alive With Resistance: Diasporic Reflections on the Revolt in Myanmar A conversation with Geoff Aung, a Burmese American Marxist anthropology Phd candidate at Columbia…
Revolts in Myanmar Since 1 January the streets of what used to be known as Burma have filled with demonstrations nearly every day. The straw that broke the camel’s…
Smashing H&M in South Africa: not the first attack on the garment supply chain (and not the last either!) Hand-wringing over the trashing of a few H&M branches in South Africa ignores the…
夫人VS将军:民主的限制与缅甸的未来 近日,由于罗兴亚救世军(ARSA)袭击了缅甸30余座边防警局,缅甸安全部队开始了大规模的反击与清剿,导致大量罗兴亚难民逃亡孟加拉国。因为此次的罗兴亚危机,缅甸国务资政兼外交部部长昂山素季饱受舆论指责,以至于有声音要求剥夺她的诺贝尔和平奖荣誉。
Sacked workers barricade bosses inside Myanmar factory Over 200 workers in Myanmar have escalated their strike against the unfair dismissal of a union…
Notes on a factory uprising in Yangon Soe Lin Aung examines a recent strike-cum-riot at a Chinese-owned H&M supplier in Myanmar, digging beyond the headlines into its local context…
Making the steam roll: a personal narrative of a locoman A first person account by Dharampal/Comrade Burmee of a lifetime of work and struggle on the Indian…
Workers' struggles in East Asia (June 2014) Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia during June 2014 and related resources. The most important stories…