Domination and the arts of resistance: Hidden Transcripts – James C. Scott In this book, renowned social scientist James C. Scott offers a penetrating discussion both of the…
Daybreak in dark times: the origins and vicissitudes of the village commune, the municipality, the nobility and the urban oligarchy in Catalonia - Miguel Amorós A brief essay reviewing the social, economic, political and demographic changes…
Selections from Perspectivas Antidesarrollistas – Miguel Amorós Six short texts from a book published in 2012 (Anti-developmentalist Perspectives) largely based on…
A brief explanation of the concept of territory and its implications - Miquel Amorós An explanation of the meaning of “territory”, illustrated in its historical, social, economic and…
The Bagaudae: history's first revolutionaries? - Pablo Romero Gabella A brief introduction to the Bagaudae, the social and historical context of the late Roman Empire,…
The peasants war in Germany 1525-1526 - Ernest Belfort Bax Belfort Bax's 1899 history of the peasants war in Germany: the largest popular uprising in Europe…
Report from autonomous peasant congress in Indonesia Short reportage from Indonesian Autonomous Peasant Congress
Q - Luther Blissett Set in the time of tremendous religious and political upheaval caused by the Reformation in Europe, Q begins with Luther nailing his 95 theses on…
Ancient utopia and peasant revolts in China - Ngo Van Xuyet The last essay completed by the veteran Vietnamese council communist, written in 2004 when he was 91…
With the peasants of Aragon - Augustin Souchy Augustin Souchy describes the experiments in workers control and self-management of production he witnessed when travelling around the liberated…
The struggle of migrant workers in Castelnuovo Scrivia Forty migrant workers have been protesting in Castelnuovo Scrivia (in Piedmont, in the district of…
Honduras farm workers stage mass land occupations Thousands of rural workers in Honduras have occupied land as part of a dispute with large landowners and the government.