Creationism in the science classroom - 29% of science teachers say 'yes' More than a quarter of science teachers polled by Ipsos MORI think creationism should be taught in…
Bauer, Marx and religion - David McLellan McLellan discusses Bruno Bauer's critique of religion and its enduring influence on the young Marx.
The role of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia's holocaust - Seán Mac Mathúna, 1941-1945 Historical information about Catholic priests and Muslim clerics being willing accomplices in the…
"The Renewal of Medieval Times" in Yugoslavia, 1941 Article from the Fascist-controlled press in Italy in 1941. The author, Corrado Zoli, was traveling through Bosnia and witnessed the Ustase…
Hurricane Katrina, and the good churchgoers of the U.S. South - prole cat One person's experience of Church aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the United States.
The continuing appeal of religion - Troploin Troploin believe that religion is far from dead and there can be no communist perspective without a critique of religion. The question for them…
A father and an anarchist An obituary for Father Gresham Kirkby, the anarchist priest. Fr. Gresham Kirkby, (1916-2006)
Nicaragua set to outlaw abortion Nicaragua is expected to approve a law that outlaws all forms of abortion today.
1932: Belfast Outdoor Relief Strike The Falls and the Shankhill united, Catholics and Protestants fighting together. That is the story of the Outdoor Relief Strike launched by the…
1970-1990: The war of counter-insurgency in El Salvador Noam Chomsky on the ultra-violent war of the right-wing regime in El Salvador against grassroots…
1978-1979: The Iranian Revolution A history and analysis of the revolution in which socialists aligned themselves with Islamists to overthrow the West-backed Shah.