Almost Famous: Unpaid Labour = Theft A Solidarity Federation Hospitality Workers' Union leaflet regarding a dispute with the owners of Almost Famous and Super Awesome Deluxe…
A Tale of Two Mobilizations: South Asian Truckers Build Class Solidarity, “Freedom Convoy” Builds Fascism At the same time as the far Right Freedom Convoy was organizing and then carrying…
Direct Action in the Motor City: Restaurant Workers Fight Back Fellow Worker Graham from the Detroit IWW reports on an organizing campaign among restaurant workers…
“I Live for That Shit”: A worker recalls successful direct action in the workplace James Nestlé relates examples from his experience of taking action on the job. This article was…
Eat the rich: My experience in hospitality work during the pandemic With a provisional date set for the gradual reopening of the hospitality sector in UK, now seems a…
Fighting Back - International Week of Action Against Unpaid Wages Short pamphlet by the anarcho-syndicalist union the ZSP. ZSP is the Polish section of the…
London Workers Group Bulletin #6 1979 An issue of the London Workers Group bulletin, probably from 1979. Articles on Tory economic policy, lessons learned from the Garners restaurant…
Burgerville Workers Union Launches Strike As Negotiations Break Down Members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) organized into the Burgerville Workers Union…
Camaraderie, Affective Labour and the Union: A Hospitality Workers' Inquiry A workers’ inquiry into hospitality and the TGI Fridays strike, examining the labour process of…
Not a single wheel can turn: Further thoughts on organising and mobilising in the “gig” economy A report on Deliveroo riders in Manchester taking their second day of strike action…
Deliveroo Couriers Strike Against Poverty Pay – Manchester, 26th Feb! On Tuesday 26th February between 11am and 7pm, Deliveroo couriers in Manchester will be striking in…
No Love for Deliveroo! A reflection on organising and mobilising in the “gig” economy. A report from the New Syndicalist blog, discussing the recent Deliveroo riders' strike in Manchester…