The Nationalities Question in the Russian Revolution (Rosa Luxemburg, 1918) Luxemburg reveals the counter-revolutionary nature and consequences of the Bolsheviks' nationalist…
Russia 1917 - Wildcat,1985 Originally a contribution to the conference held by UK Wildcat on the Russian revolution and its implications today [i.e. 1985].
Nikiforova, Marusya, 1885-1919 - Nick Heath A short biography of Russian anarchist guerrilla and orator Marussia Nikiforova, who fought in the Russian Civil War following the 1917…
Kronstadt '21 - Victor Serge We reproduce an excerpt from Memoirs of a Revolutionary, (1945) by Victor Serge on the Kronstadt rebellion against the Bolshevik autocracy, its…
The Russian Tragedy - Alex Berkman Alex Berkman anaylses the failure of the Russian Revolution, written 1922.
The Russian Revolution and the Communist Party - Alex Berkman Alexander Berkman analyses the role of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution, written June 1921…
Syndicalists in the Russian Revolution - Maximov An account of the effects Russian Revolution on the Russian syndicalists and anarchists, and vice-versa, by a leading Russian anarcho-syndicalist…
Maximov, Gregori Petrovich - a short biography, 1893-1950 A short account of the life of a prominent exiled Russian anarcho-syndicalist, perhaps best known for his compilation of Bakunin's writings and also The Guillotine At Work - his epic survey of Bolshevik state repression from 1918 onwards.
Meetings in the Kremlin in Moscow 1921 - interview with Bernhard Reichenbach An interview conducted in 1964 with former KAPD (Communist Workers Party of Germany) member Bernhard…
Remember Kronstadt - Wildcat Wildcat (UK) give a brief history of the Kronstadt fortress, from 1905 to 1921 on the 70th anniversary of the uprising (1991).
The Hunt for Red October: Ten Days That Didn't Overthrow Capitalism - Wildcat Wildcat (UK) attempt to debunk theories both for and against the October Revolution in Russia…
Lenin's Terror within the Bolshevik Party - Maximov Anarchist Gregori Maximov's analysis of Lenin's repression of opposition factions within the Bolshevik Party during 1920-1921.