Workers Councils (1936) - Anton Pannekoek Revolutionary Workers Councils as organs of working class self-emancipation. This article was first published in English in the American journal…
The Lenin legend - Paul Mattick Council communist Paul Mattick debunks the myth of Lenin and his successors.
The British Workers and Soviet Russia Pankhurst discusses the responses of British workers to the Russian Revolution and Allied intervention via the trade unions and Labour Party.
Fundamental principles of communist production and distribution Full text of Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution, Collective work of the…
Lenin, Also - Ante Ciliga Chapter 9 of Book 3 of Ante Ciliga's extraordinary book The Russian Enigma, originally published as In The Land of The Great Lie.
The Kronstadt Revolt - Ante Ciliga Ante Ciliga discusses the question of Kronstadt, at the time of Trotsky's later writings about the event.
Trotsky Protests Too Much - Emma Goldman Emma Goldman's pamphlet answering the Trotskyist account of the Kronstadt rebellion.
The Bolsheviks and workers' control: the state and counter-revolution - Maurice Brinton A remarkable pamphlet by Maurice Brinton exposing the struggle that took place over the running of…
What was the USSR? Part III: Left communism and the Russian revolution In the third part of their analysis of the USSR, Aufheben examine left communist characterisations…
Organisational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft) In 1926 a group of exiled Russian anarchists in France, the Dielo Trouda (Workers' Cause) group,…
Lazarevitch, Nicholas, 1895-1975 A short biography of Russo-Belgian anarchist, co-writer of The Platform and husband of Ida Mett, Nicholas Lazarevitch.
Bleikhman, Iosif, 1868-1921 A short biography of Russian anarchist-communist sent to a Bolshevik labour camp, Iosif Bleikhman.