The Ukrainian roots of the 1936 Spanish revolution This article from the CNT-AIT of France looks at the connections between the Makhnovshchina and the anarchist revolution in Spain.
Open Letter to the Uruguayan Communist Party and CGT - Simon Radowitzky, 1936 An open letter written in prison by Simon Radowitzky, an anarchist who assassinated Bueno Aires…
Simon Radowitzky and the People's Justice - Osvaldo Bayer A biography of the life of Ukrainian Argentine Anarchist Simon Radowitzky, who famously assassinated…
The kind hearted executioner Article about the assassination of police chief Colonel Ramon Falcon, responsible for the killings of 1500 workers, by anarchist Simon Radowitzky…
Radowitzky, Simon, 1891-1956 A biography of Ukrainian-born anarchist Simon Radowitzky, who assassinated a police chief responsible for the killings of workers.