Solidaridad Obrera: another way of understanding anarcho-syndicalism A description of Solidaridad Obrera, a split from the Spanish CGT, by one of its members.
1936-37: the war in Spain exposes anarchism's fatal flaws An article on anarchism in Spain in the 1930s (the first of two) - the most recent addition to the…
Fontanillas Borras, Antonia (1917-2014) aka Aurora, Tona A short biography of Spanish anarchist militant Antonia Fontanillas
Ready for Revolution : The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938. [Book Review] A review of Agustin Guillamon's "Ready for Revolution" on the Spanish anarchist defence committees, assessing its relevance to today's revolutionaries.
“Castro turned his back on anti-Francoists”: interview with Octavio Alberola - Aitor Azurki An interview with ‘Interior Defence’ (D.I.) organiser Octavio Alberola in Basque…
Ascaso Abadía, Francisco, 1901-1936 A very brief biography of leading Spanish anarcho-syndicalist militant, Francisco Ascaso, who was killed on the dawn of the Spanish revolution.
Torres Escartín, Rafael, 1901-1939 A short biography of Rafael Torres Escartín, a Spanish anarchist pastry cook who was active in the anarcho-syndicalist CNT union and Los…
Electoral Insubordination – Miguel Amorós A personal appeal in favor of civil disobedience in response to the Spanish electoral law (which does not prohibit abstention, but rather the…
A Note on the Civil Society Offensive – Miguel Amorós Some comments on the most recent wave of civil society agitation in Spain (Summer 2014), defining…
The plot to assassinate Franco from the air, 1948 - Antonio Tellez The incredible story of the ultimately unsuccessful attempt by Spanish anarchists to assassinate…
Remembering Spain: Italian anarchist volunteers in the Spanish civil war - Umberto Marzocchi Marzocchi supplied arms to Spanish anarchists at the start of the Spanish…
The anarchists in the Spanish civil war - Robert Alexander A significant, two-volume work by Robert Alexander, re-examining the role of the anarchists in the…