Spanish banks occupied Hundreds of activists from the Platform for Mortgage Victims (PAH) have occupied a branch of the Banco Popular Bank, and the BBVA bank, both in…
Collectivizations: The constructive achievements of the Spanish Revolution. Essays, documents and reports - Augustin Souchy and Paul Folgare Now available in English for the first time, this survey of industrial and…
Interview with Agustín Guillamón, historian of the Spanish Revolution In this 2013 interview, Agustín Guillamón, the author of Ready for Revolution: The CNT Defense…
We, the anarchists! A study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927-1937 - Stuart Christie A detailed, scholarly study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI), a group of…
The ideological essence of syndicalism - Galo Díez Fernández In this essay first published in 1922, Galo Díez Fernández, the National Secretary of the CNT,…
Syndicalism and the strike: French and Italian revolutionary syndicalism and their introduction into Spain - Pere Gabriel An essay on the relative influence exercised by the First International (the…
José Pellicer – Miguel Amorós A biographical sketch of the martyred Spanish anarchist and co-founder of the Iron Column, José Pellicer, by Miguel Amorós.
The day they killed José Pellicer – Miguel Amorós An encomium to the martyred Spanish anarchist, co-founder of the Iron Column, José Pellicer, by Miguel Amorós.
The myth of Mondragon: Cooperatives, politics, and working class life in a Basque town - Sharryn Kasmir Sharryn Kasmir's critical account of the internationally renowned Mondragon…
This time it’s personal. Mortgage fraud, faux-democracy and escrache in Spain The escrache protests in Spain organised by the Platform of Mortgage Victims are quickly getting to…
Review: The Spanish civil war - Anthony Beevor A good review of the book on the Spanish Civil War by renowned military historian Anthony Beevor, which was later republished as The battle for Spain.
Urban renewal in Barcelona Resisting "urban renewal" in Barcelona in the context of larger economic struggle