[alayhesarmaye] Syria, War, Partition, and the Fate of the Working Masses / CLASS WAR / We present here a short contribution from a group of comrades in Iran about the recent…
Syria: “We carry a new world on our hearts!” Statement from Têkoşîna Anarşîst, a revolutionary anarchist organization working in north-eastern Syria (Rojava), on the overthrow of Syrian…
A Discussion Paper on Local Councils in Syria Syrian Anarchist Omar Aziz's short text on the formations of councils in Syria during the uprising against Assad's regime.
Trotskyism and the War in Syria The casual observer might think that Trotskyism has been quite consistent in its views on the Syrian war but in fact there are almost as many…
Syrië: geen oorlog dan de klassenoorlog! Verklaring van de Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) over de recente bombardementen op Syrië door de Amerikaanse, Britse en Franse regering.
Syria: the Real Significance of the US Bombardment Do not be misled by this almost "harmless" American bombardment, of which the Russians and thus Assad himself were fully prepared in advance…
A personal account of Rojava - Anonymous (from Lions of Rojava website) An eyewitness account of life in the cantons of Rojava under the PYD, transcribed from the now…
A propos de l’agression de l’armée turque sur le canton d’Afrin (Rojava) Commentaires de Tristan Leoni (auteur de la série de textes « Califat et Barbarie ») publiée sur…
About the Turkish army’s aggression on the canton of Afrin (Rojava) Tristan Leoni’s comments (who is the author of the series of texts “Caliphate and Barbarity”)…
We have a huge political responsibility Arthur on the ambivalent relationship between the local population and the SDF. After defeating Daesh, the real challenge will be to establish democratic confederalism.
We had concluded an agreement with the Islamic State Upon an agreement, the SDF let IS leave Mansoura.