A review: socialist organizing attempts at Pizza Hut A brief article by John O'Reilly on Socialist Alternative's efforts in fast food organizing.
Industrial Worker (Spokane, Seattle: 1909-1930) A summary of the University of Washington's microfilm collection of the Industrial Worker newspaper.
The One Big Union in Washington An article by David Jay Bercuson on the radical Canadian 'One Big Union' and its efforts to organize in Washington state (U.S.).
Red Harbor: class, violence, and community in Grays Harbor, Washington A thesis by Aaron G. Anthony on class struggle in a Washington town.
Wesley Everest, IWW Martyr An academic article about the life of Wesley Everest, a Wobbly who was lynched by an angry mob after defending the IWW hall in Centralia,…
Spatial deconcentration in D.C. - Yulanda Ward 1981 article about a US Government housing policy - conceived in the aftermath of the 1960s ghetto riots - arguing that the policy was aimed at…
1919: The murder of Wesley Everest Howard Zinn's account of the lynching of the American revolutionary unionist and former soldier Wesley Everest by "patriots."
1919: The Seattle general strike A general strike of 100,000 workers, which saw the city shut down and all essential services provided under workers' control.