Reflections on the way to the gallows A short prison diary kept by Japanese anarchist feminist Kanno Sugako, prior to her execution on 25 January 1911 for her part in a plot to…
House to Goddess of the House: Gender, Class and Silk in 19th Century Mount Lebanon An essay on the development of capitalism in Lebanon and the effects it had upon gender roles…
Virino de la Pariza Komuno: A.I. Molok Informoj pri la virinoj en la Pariza Komuno. Tradukis Ninelina
Chris Knight’s theory of human origins: an abridged account Edmund Bradden provides an introduction to Chris Knight's theory of human origins. Reposted from the…
Black women organising - Brixton Black Women's Group A critical look at the growth, contradictions and eventual demise of Organisation of Women of Asian and African Descent in the late-1970s/early…
Communisation vs Spheres - Bernard Lyon 2011 text by Bernard Lyon, the second part of 'The Suspended Step of Communisation'.
Iturbe, Lola aka Kyra Kyralina aka Kiralina (1902-1990) A short biography of the Spanish anarchist Lola Iturbe, fighter for women's liberation
La Originoj de la Oka de Marto Libreto pri la historio de Oka Marto aŭ Internacia Virinia Tago. Kaj ĝi signifo por ĉiuj laboristinoj.
The time suffragette Theresa Garnett horsewhipped Winston Churchill A short account of suffragette Theresa Garnett attacking then-Home Secretary Winston Churchill with…
Morin, Emilienne Leontine (1901-1991) aka Mimi aka Mimi-FAI A short biography of Emilienne Morin, active in France and Spain, companera of Buenaventura Durruti
Gender politics in the Korean transition to democracy Jeong-Lim Nam's essay on Korean women's battles against dictatorship in the 1980s.