Building relationships and community in an IWW workplace committee A fellow IWW member sent us this article about the importance of relationship building in our…
And I thought my contract couldn't get any shitter... Sometimes, when you think your contract is already pretty bad, you can end up putting your guard…
We'll let you know when to come back - Kermit Johnson First hand account of Kermit Johnson, rank and file chairman for the strike committee during the…
My first job – what was yours? Recomposition started at the end of August, 2010. We’re pleased with what’s happened in the last two years, and we hope you are as well. It seems…
Rivethead - Ben Hamper Down and out memoirs of a line assembly worker for GM Motors over the 1980s. In amongst co-workers going postal in the local bar, drinking on the…
Self-employment, or the illusion of freedom An account of 'freelancing' and the attitude this has promoted within the author's co-workers.
Heat, work and genre - J.A. Lindstrom Film theory about the role of work, both illegal and legitimate, in Michael Mann's noir Heat.
Factotum - Charles Bukowski The only person to have made a writing career about yo-yoing in and out of employment, Bukowski accounts the conditions in 1944 having faced…
A fan's notes - Frederick Exley A struggling alcoholic teacher reminiscences about a life of mental hospitals, failed job interviews and the feeling of being out of step with…
The tyranny of the clock - George Woodcock Short piece on the manufacture of accurate time and how the world became a more structured place, a worser one, overnight.
On the buses - Solidarity An excellent pamphlet from 1976 by libertarian socialist group Solidarity about work and struggle on London's buses. Includes strikers' leaflets.