Workers' control A pamphlet by the Syndicalist Workers' Federation on the meaning of workers' control, its incompatability with the state and its history (1959).
United Nations report on the Hungarian uprising 1956 UN special committee report on the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Examines the revolutionary workers councils established by Hungarian workers, and…
War and revolution: The Hungarian anarchist movement in WW1 and the Budapest commune 1919 - Martyn Everett Kate Sharpley Library pamphlet on the anarchist movement in Hungary and the workers…
Podcast on workers' control with Immanuel Ness A podcast on workers' control from Pacifica Radio's "Against the Grain" with Immanuel Ness, labour historian and author of 'Ours to Master and to…
Anton Pannekoek and the theory of the transition - Radical Chains Pannekoek's experience of the German revolution led him to observe that the workers' own struggle…
HONGRIE 1956: «LE PROLETARIAT A L’ASSAUT DU CIEL» - Mouvement Communiste The original French version of the Mouvement Communiste pamphlet on Hungary 56.
Hungary ’56: “the proletariat storming heaven” - Mouvement Communiste Mouvement Communiste’s analysis of the Hungary ’56 workers’ uprising. Stresses the importance of the…
The power of the councils - Point Blank! American Situationist magazine Point Blank! on workers' councils.
Evolution of the Problem of the Political Workers Councils in Germany - Karl Korsch Karl Korsch on problems with the workers' councils in the German revolution, written in 1921.
Party Dictatorship or Workers Democracy: Introduction -- Oskar Anweiler Oskar Anweiler on the workers' councils and the Bolshevik dictatorship in the Russian revolution.
Marxism, prefigurative communism, and the problem of workers' control - Carl Boggs Carl Boggs writes on the movement for workers' councils, looking at the examples of the failures of the Russian and German revolutions, and the Italian Biennio Rosso.
Councils and State in Weimar Germany - Guido De Masi and Giacomo Marramao Guido De Masi and Giacomo Marramao write on the German workers' councils and council communist movement around the German revolution of 1918.