John Clare Collective's subversive stickers in Ruskin's "Industrial gorge" The stickers below are a wild combination of Situationist Raoul Vaneigem's theses cum comment: "that…
Wilding Transformations & Great Expectations (Personal Diary 2) - The John Clare Collective Wilding Transformations & Great Expectations.... Personal Diary 2 of the John Clare…
Comments on Indian & York stone: slave labour, aesthetic life style, quarrying and butterflies The following ramble is how the ex- King Mob building collective slowly but surely…
As Common as Muck - Stuart Wise Stuart Wise (with critical omissions and additions by David Wise) on: Ten male Adonis Blues; the nitrogen fix and other wildcat forays: Chance…
Memories of John Dennis A remarkable miner from Kiveton Park colliery, South Yorkshire, who kicked the bucket on the 22nd of May, 2002. Compiled by David Wise and…
Ralph Rumney: Hidden Connections, Ruminations and Rambling Parentheses - David Wise On situationist and artist Ralph Rumney via Halifax, EP Thompson, William Blake, Guy Debord and Yves…
ALERTA! ALERTA! Report - The fash come to Wath Upon Dearne This is an excerpt of Sheffield Action Group (SHAG)'s Troublemakers zine - this is an action report on an antifascist mobilisation, with commentary around what we learnt. The full zine is available to read online at or
Bores Under the Floor: A Brief Guide to the Wave of "Left" Groups and Newspapers currently invading the Pit Villages Report on the nature and impact of socialist and anarchist groups during the 1984…
The Pickles Papers In October 1988 Eric Pickles and his Tory group took control of Bradford Council with a radical programme designed to "wipe out municipal…
Jenny Tells Her Tale: Stories From the Yorkshire Miners Memories of the 1984-5 miners' strike from Jenny Dennis, who was married to a Kiveton Park miner…
The headscarf revolutionaries - DD Johnston D.D. Johnston reviews Brian Lavery’s The Headscarf Revolutionaries, an account of a spontaneous campaign by fishermen’s wives in Hull, which…
Sheffield strikes back, occupy tallest university building in the UK Sheffield Strikes Back, a newly formed broad left group of Sheffield students, have occupied the…