John Clare Collective's subversive stickers in Ruskin's "Industrial gorge"

Check out a real local horror story - sticker

The stickers below are a wild combination of Situationist Raoul Vaneigem's theses cum comment: "that no love is possible in an unhappy world" plus John Clare's drastic and catastrophic experience of the failure of love in present day utterly alienated everyday life. Then followed by the hope that a genuine, autonomous rewilding outside of capitalist recuperation cum alienation may bring about love's rebirth.

Originally published on the Revolt Against Plenty website. New additions have been included at the bottom of this version on Libcom.

Below: Further Stickers

"Birds and trees and flowers without a name / When lawless law's enclosure came" (John Clare)

Love is Dead: Eros Reborn through Wilding...

Create the New Commons of Urban & Industrial Dereliction. Every Commoner Welcome

Eros through Wilding

City Wilding: Every Wild Child Welcome

Suicide Capitalism = Natures' Apocalypse

Art is Dead: No to Wilding Aesthetics

Down with Horticulture Up with Wilding

Network Rail Roundup Tortures Wildlife

Horticulture is Natures' Capitalism

Horticulture and Suicide Capitalism = Extinction

Unofficial Nature / Unofficial Strikes: TOGETHER!

Horticulture and Unofficial Nature are at War.

Horticulture and

Suicide Capitalism


See following webs for further info......

Nameless Wilding Stickers and Photos [here]

Wilding Transformations & Great Expectations (Personal Diary 2)

Wilding Transformations & Great Expectations. (Personal Diary 1)

Nameless Wilding (A General Drift)

