Comments on Indian & York stone: slave labour, aesthetic life style, quarrying and butterflies The following ramble is how the ex- King Mob building collective slowly but surely…
Fabre, Darwin, Dalton & 'DNA' Watson meet Lautreamont - Stuart Wise Perhaps to be read in conjunction with 'Reflections on Romanticism', this is the point where the…
ROTTENBUGGER: aka David Attenborough - Stuart Wise ROTTENBUGGER: Encompassing the mythologisation of nature in film compeered by David Attenborough, concept art with finance, and ecology promoted…
Fuck the 'new' Nature Writing - Stuart & David Wise ....marking the failure of eco-engage to encounter total revolutionary critique...... Memoirs of an indefatigable note-taker. Written 2009 and…
King Mob: Icteric & the Newcastle Experience from the early to late 1960s Thoughts on Butterfly migration and Icteric - a 'radical' arts magazine produced in Newcastle upon…
The New Commons of Urban & Industrial Dereliction - Stuart & David Wise A Freewheeling Interpretation of Classic Derive, Grand Projects, Subtopian Pornography, Workers'…
Huddersfield Mothman - Stuart Wise An evaluation of four early 20th century British scientists and their radical social inclinations. Comments too on some contemporary theorists of…
A dissection of the metaphysics of scarcity - humanaesfera Philosophical article that criticizes the metaphysics of scarcity, widely used (as "unquestionable…
United Campaign Workers Challenge the Predatory Tactics of Grassroots Campaigns Inc. and the Nature Conservancy The United Campaign Workers, a project of the Portland IWW, showed the depth of its…