Black Star: an anarchist review Vol 1 #05 1977 Including: Zionism and the left, Lucy Parsons and Bakunin book reviews, revolutionary writing from China, letters, etc.
On the "Anti-Semitism of the Present (British) Government" Below is a memorandum by Edwin Montagu, the only Jewish British cabinet member of the time, setting…
1948: Einstein-Arendt letter to the New York Times An open letter to the New York Times expressing great alarm that Zionists implicated in atrocities were given a warm reception in the United…
“Israelism” looks at the indoctrination of Jewish students in the US Comrade Motopu reviews the 2023 documentary "Israelism" in the context of recent and past student…
The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe In-depth article looking at the systematic preparations that were made for the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Palestinians from what would…
Up Against the Wall - Anonymous A short communique from 2003 about the construction of a wall to expand Israeli occupation and how anarchists can respond to this and other…
Palestinian Workers Continue to Die for a Capitalist State They no longer hit the headlines but the Palestinian “Great Return Marches” along the Gaza border…
Anti-Semitism – rooting out oppression or ruling class hypocrisy? Those who see the need to eliminate anti-Semitism should involve themselves in the struggle for a…
Letter on anti-Zionism (2014) Critique of anti-Zionism by the Italian communist journal Il Lato Cattivo.
Various statements and leaflets - Jewish Anarchist Committee Miscellaneous statements and leaflets by the Jewish Anarchist Committee. Primarily covering the…
We want freedom for all: a Jewish anarchist statement - Libertarian Workers Group This early 1980s statement was published by a number of youthful, 20-something, mostly Jewish born…