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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
Education round-up 10 Sept 2012: NUT strike vote, combined NASUWT action Choccy 1 12 years ago
The greatest trick the DWP ever pulled was convincing the poor benefits don't exist Caiman del Barrio 21 12 years ago
The US prisoners' movement, 1970-1978 - Howard Zinn Steven. 3 12 years ago
Wigan celebrates its radical communist heritage thegonzokid 2 12 years ago
Anti-Jewish trends in French revolutionary syndicalism Juan Conatz 3 12 years ago
The War on Democracy (Documentary) working class self organisation 1 12 years ago
Is SYRIZA a workers’ government in waiting? Juan Conatz 17 12 years ago
Neither nationalisation nor privatisation 1945-1950: An anarchist approach wojtek 1 12 years ago
Workers' struggles in East Asia (August 2012) Spartacus 1 12 years ago
These days in Athens Thrasybulus 1 12 years ago
Fighting for ourselves - preview Recomposition 9 12 years ago
Lobbying for the limited yet impossible Phil 12 12 years ago
S02E001 - The graduate without a future wojtek 13 12 years ago
End the repression! IWW union supports Chile's students fight for education! IWW Europe 3 12 years ago
Independent and free? A Glasgow anarchist's take on Scottish independence doug 3 12 years ago
The Abolition of the Queen, Lords and Commons - Dan Chatterton, The Scorcher Red Marriott 3 12 years ago
The make-believe world of David Graeber: reflections on the ideology underlying the failed occupation of Zuccotti Park - Andrew Kliman Django 48 12 years ago
More striking miners shot in South Africa working class self organisation 7 12 years ago
Lumpenization: A critical error of The Black Panther Party wojtek 1 12 years ago
The workers' movement in Serbia and ex-Yugoslavia - Aleksandar Simic Iskra 4 12 years ago