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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
Angela Nagle's Plagiarise Any Nonsense Mike Harman 54 3 years 11 months ago
London Anarchist Bookfair October 2020 jondwhite 13 3 years 11 months ago
When capitalism goes green - Miguel Amoros Alias Recluse 1 3 years 11 months ago
On workers autonomy - Miguel Amoros Alias Recluse 1 3 years 11 months ago
Midnight in the century: notes against progress - Miguel Amorós Alias Recluse 1 3 years 11 months ago
On Jaime Semprun: an interview with Miguel Amorós Alias Recluse 1 3 years 11 months ago
Alérini, Charles, 1842-1877+ Steven. 2 3 years 11 months ago
Anarchist Science Fiction: Essential Novels - Zeke Teflon - See Sharp Press jondwhite 2 3 years 11 months ago
Alex Ferguson - manager and striker Steven. 27 3 years 11 months ago
Oct. 11, 2020 - IWA Public Talk / Live Stream: International Struggle Against Unpaid Wages syndicalist 1 3 years 11 months ago
David Graeber is dead Entdinglichung 59 3 years 11 months ago
Interpreting Marx's Theory of the State and Opposition to Anarchism (Revised Edition) Matthew Crossin 17 3 years 11 months ago
Time for a new revolution ajjohnstone 5 3 years 11 months ago
Hands off the US! Stand with the American people and their democratically elected leader against the regime change plot! R Totale 15 3 years 11 months ago
Biographical Sketch libcom 1 3 years 11 months ago
A response to comments on 'Class Power on Zero-Hours' by Insurgent Notes AngryWorkersWorld 4 3 years 11 months ago
Third World nationalism and the state - Sam Dolgoff Juan Conatz 9 3 years 11 months ago
Anti-war Statement of Azerbaijani Leftist Youth Reddebrek 2 3 years 11 months ago
Anarchism and Me - Stig Dagerman Reddebrek 1 3 years 11 months ago
Ginger Katz? R Totale 9 3 years 11 months ago