tf1 is reporting that over a thousand youths have invaded the Gare de Lyon train station in Paris. Le Figaro is now putting the number involved at 2,000, saying they have occupied the TGV lines.

Report from Indymedia Paris
15.45 Thursday 30th March Paris: At the Gare de Lyon. 3,000 people have blocked the tracks forcing cancellations of TGV and regional commuter trains.
Update from Marseille
10 a.m. Thursday 30th March Marseille: Gare St Charles the main train station in the city was penetrated this morning by ac group of striking school, university students and teaching personnel. Taking the security forces by surprise through a peaceful sit in on the tracks, train traffic was completely interrupted until 12.00 with cancellations occurring until 13.30. The CRS riot police fired salvoes of tear gas, without sufficient warning into the non-violent demonstrators, and eventually dislodged the activists. Later the students launched a call to assemble in the afternoon at the Place Castellane one of the key city centre roundabouts.
Photos from Marseille
More photos here.
Update from the provinces
France Info Radio reported blockages of transport routes taking place in Amiens and Chambéry. A potential blockage action in Grenoble has been thwarted by Police. Meanwhile in Rennes a group of cultural workers are occupying the Regional Direction of the Culture Ministry demanding resolution of their dispute over the cultural workers work contracts and the resignation of the Government.
papidan March 30th, 2006 |
March 30th, 2006 | 5:03 pm
also, the road that goes to the “Faculte de Luminy” was blocked this morning, and tomorrow the faculty will be on strike, all the lectures are cancelled.