France protests news roundup from 7 April, including a car ploughing into demonstrators, office occupations and blockades.

Demonstrators injured in Paris
From the BBC:
A motorist has driven into a crowd of student protesters in Paris (see picture, above), lightly injuring at least seven of them. One was dragged along for several metres by the Renault Twingo car on the Boulevard Saint Germain, the French news agency AFP reported. Police gave chase and stopped the car, which furious students then overturned. The driver was lightly injured.
The incident took place close to the Sorbonne where several hundred students had gathered for an anti-CPE picnic. Pictures of the incident
-the trade unionist of Sud-PTT, Cyril Ferez, is now out of a coma. More here.
-buses and tram of Nantes blocked by students this morning
-several hundreds of high-school pupils and students in front of the prison of la Sante
-The associated secretary-general of the UMP Roselyne Bachelot in favour of "the abrogation" of the text
-250 demonstrators block the road accesses to a shopping centre in Nantes
-"the students multiply blockings" announces Le Figaro
-in Le Havre 400 students and high-school pupils occupied the offices of a UMP deputy, the law courts and the Town hall
-300 pupils of a college of Lannion (Brittany) in sit-in in front of the police station where three high-school pupils are to repaint the public buildings
-43 universities are disturbed and 7 closed or blocked, according to the calculation of the ministry for national Education
-the cardinal-archbishop of Bordeaux Jean-Pierre Ricard, president of the bishops of France, denounces electoral "posturing"