A biography of working class communist Eastender Joe Jacobs that covers the years after his autobiography "Out of the Ghetto". Published in 2011 by Gorter Press / Socialist Libertarians.

PDF courtersy of Splits and Fusions archive.
Libcom also hosts a Black Flag review of this publication by Liz Willis.
- Foreword
- Some dates and events
- Shop stewards, workplaces, unions and occupation
- Joe and the internal dimension
- Strike reporting
- Politics and organisations
- Expulsion and conclusion
- Index
Thank you for uploading this…
Thank you for uploading this! Looks like it contains lots of interesting details about the life of a working class militant, although I did notice page 17 is missing which is a shame.
Ah good spot Mair. I will…
Ah good spot Mair. I will see if anything can be done.
Hi Mair - that's fixed now,…
Hi Mair - that's fixed now, cheers.
Great work, both
Great work, both