Black Flag militants near the new bus obtained thanks to support of audience. We have translated their preliminary conclusions from the past two and a half months of this madness. Their earlier activity we covered in this and this materials. All photos are taken from their Telegram channel. Also please join our fundraising for work on restoration of the city social fabric and help to civilian residents of destroyed Kharkiv.

For the third month in a row, the Ukrainian people have been fighting the Russian invader. The balance of forces before 24th of February was reminiscent of the struggle between David and Goliath: Ukraine's poorer but better-off military system, along with Russia's huge military machine, which has an incredible advantage in bombs, ammunition, equipment, and technology. However, with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, David began to defeat Goliath - affected by the short-sightedness of the supreme command of the enemy, the lack of motivation among recruits. But one of the driving forces that thwarted the plans of the new Vlasovites - and almost the main one - was and is the Ukrainian people, mainly its workers.
During these two months, we have seen an incredible mobilization of the best virtues of the Ukrainian working people: in fact, left without any serious means of earning, people gave the last money to the army; many people joined volunteer movements that fed refugees and the poor, sought and organized shelters for them; they found equipment for the military, delivering it at the risk of their own lives to the front line - the same was true of humanitarian aid for ordinary residents of towns and villages under occupation.
And cases of gluttony - ad lib! Refugees complained about huge rent prices in new homes, albeit temporary ones; food prices have risen, but neither wage increases nor decent work options have emerged. The state has been forced to deviate from its neoliberal course toward Keynesianism, but its means of saving the economy are hardly enough. In addition, there were attempts to push anti-labor laws aimed at deregulating labor relations - the famous bill №5388, which did not get enough votes in the parliament.
Now, when some frontline regions have been able to approach at least some semblance of peaceful life (only some, because fighting is still raging in other areas, and somewhere in broad daylight "brotherly love" arrives in the form of rockets and mines, destroying peaceful cities), it is worth looking at what this painful experience of war really brought us. Along with fear, injuries, impoverishment, backwardness, mass martyrdom, organized by the occupiers in the spirit of the French colonial "ratissage", the unprecedented unity of people, self-organization, the desire to help each other. Of course, the discovery of these qualities contributes to a huge threat to the future of each person, which is acute now. But this feeling will not subside for a long time - at least, the war is not over, and after it there will be a period of reconstruction - and it is important not only to preserve but also to realize. To realize, in order to understand - where do we go next? Do we really need guidance from above to organize for useful, social work? Can we help each other without expecting anything in return? Does everyone's tired word of the Ukrainian political vocabulary "decentralization" have a different, more humanistic meaning? Is there a struggle for an oligarchic state of peripheral capitalism, or for a real democratization of society, solidarity of working people, rights and freedoms? Will Ukrainians be able to create a cells of resistance to those inevitable tectonic changes that push the whole world into an abyss of war and suffering?
What was once read only in history textbooks, what which has been dusty by years, is now facing Ukrainians in all its breadth - a sense of unity and mutual aid. That is why it is important to transfer the principles of solidarity and mutual aid to peaceful times, which will inevitably take place, and to be guided by them in order to build a more humane society.
From the national liberation war to the social revolution!