Michael Seidman on the farming collectives during the Spanish revolution. Copied to clipboard Attachments Seidman.pdf (108.18 KB) Printer-friendly version Michael Seidman retail and food Spain 1930s workers control Western Europe agriculture Spanish civil war PDF Comments
Statistical information on socialisation in the Spanish Revolution Statistics on agrarian and industrial collectivisation in the Spanish Civil War, the numbers of…
Collectives in the Spanish revolution - Gaston Leval Detailed account of worker-controlled agriculture, industry and public services in revolutionary Spain during the civil war.
An account of agrarian collectives in Aragon - Augustin Souchy An account of the workings of rural agricultural collectives in Aragon, revolutionary Spain, 1936-39
Industrial collectivisation during the Spanish revolution - Deirdre Hogan Interesting article by Deirdre Hogan about the collectivisation and worker control of industry in…
Towards a History of Workers' Resistance to Work - Michael Seidman Paris and Barcelona during the French Popular Front and the Spanish Revolution, 1936-38. Article…