A compendium of texts by Italian anarchist communist Errico Malatesta to complement 'His Life And Ideas, ' much of it previously unpublished. As fresh today as when the polemics were written. Copied to clipboard Attachments Malatesta - The Anarchist Revolution.pdf (8.8 MB) Errico Malatesta anarchism Working Class Self Organisation PDF Comments thanks for this thanks for this
The anarchists in London 1935-1955 - Albert Meltzer Albert Meltzer's personal account and reminiscences of the anarchist movement and its personalities in London between 1935 and 1955
Life of an anarchist: The Alexander Berkman reader Featuring a new introduction by Howard Zinn, Life of an Anarchist contains Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, Berkman's account of his years in…
The Voltairine de Cleyre Reader The Voltairine de Cleyre Reader, edited by Professor A.J. Brigati, is a collection of the work of the American female anarchist.
Vision on fire: Emma Goldman on the Spanish revolution This expertly chosen collection features the most important writings from the turbulent last four…
Vote what for? - Errico Malatesta 1959 English translation of Errico Malatesta's pamphlet "Vote. What For?" by the New York based Libertarian League. Scanned for libcom.org by New…
Free comrades: Anarchism and homosexuality in the United States 1895-1917 By investigating public records, journals, and books published between 1895 and 1917, Terence…
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