Issue of Anarchy from October 1961. Copied to clipboard Anarchists and Fabians: an anniversary symposium Action anthropology or applied anarchism? (Kevin Maddock) Erosion inside capitalism (Reg Wright) George Orwell: an accident in society (Nicholas Walter) Attachments AnarchyNo.8_text.pdf (2.69 MB) AnarchyNo.8.epub (81.42 KB) (108.2 KB) Anarchists and Fabians: An Anniversary Symposium Action Anthropology ot Applied Anarchism? Erosion Inside Capitalism George Orwell an Accident in Society Observations on Anarchy 6 & 7 Book traversal links for Anarchy #008 Observations on Anarchy 4 Up Anarchists and Fabians: An Anniversary Symposium Printer-friendly version mobi epub PDF Comments
Workers against work: labor in Paris and Barcelona during the Popular Fronts - Michael Seidman Why did a revolution occur in Spain and not in France in 1936?
The anarchist collectives: workers' self-management in the Spanish revolution 1936-1939 - Sam Dolgoff This was the first book in English that is devoted to the experiments in workers’…
The battle for Spain: The Spanish civil war 1936-1939 - Anthony Beevor Anthony Beevor's definitive history of the Spanish civil war. While it focuses on the military…
Manituana - Wu Ming Fantastically researched historical fiction about the Iroquois, a group of native American tribes who side with the British during the American…
Negroes with guns - Robert F. Williams First published in 1962, Negroes with Guns is the story of a southern black community's struggle to arm itself in self-defense against the Ku…