Last night S'fiso Ngcobo, chairperson of his local Abahlali baseMjondolo branch was assassinated in Durban. Earlier in the day Ndumiso Mnguni, also an Abahlali baseMjondolo member, was shot and seriously wounded by Municipal security guards.

In the last eight months five Abahlali baseMjondolo leaders have been assassinated in Durban, South Africa. Last night S'fiso Ngcobo, chairperson of his local Abahlali baseMjondolo branch was assassinated in eKukhayeni, in the city's Marianhill district. Earlier in the day Ndumiso Mnguni, also an Abahlali baseMjondolo member, was shot and seriously wounded by Municipal security guard in the Clare Estate district.
From 3:00 this morning the movement organised a set of road blockades, with burning tyres, in protest at the repression. The police were only able to clear the last blockade by 11:00 this morning. The movement's brief press statement on the assassination follows:
22 May 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Emergency Press Statement
Assassination in eKukhayeni, Marianhill, Durban
S’fiso Ngcobo, our chairperson in eKukhayeni, was assassinated this evening by unknown gunmen.
We will be able to provide more details on this assassination in the coming hours. Right now comrades are rushing to the family home.
Ndumiso Mnguni, who was shot by the security detail for the Anti-Land Invasion Unit earlier today in the Foreman Road settlement in Clare Estate, is still in hospital, fighting for his life.
Under the rule of the ANC the price for land and dignity continues to be paid in blood. They are our oppressors. We will not retreat.
The struggle continues.
S’bu Zikode 083 547 0474