Photos of the blocking of the Bastille around 4pm by high-school pupils. Photos from: Copied to clipboard France Paris Anti-CPE protests school students Comments
Anti-CPE Movement: Paris school occupations and street protests, 16th March 2006 Photos of the school occupations and street protest in Paris on March 16th. Most photos in these…
Anti-CPE Movement: Sorbonne occupation, March 10th 2006 Photos of the occupation and clearance of the Sorbonne on March 10th 2006.
Anti-CPE Movement: Caen demonstration and blockade, 14th March 2006 Photos of the March 14th 2006 demonstration and road blockade by school students against the CPE in…
Anti-CPE youths confront fascists in Paris riot Members of French fascist party Front Nationale attacked anti-casualisation demonstrators in Paris.
Anti-CPE Movement: Paris, 28th March 2006 Photos of the March 28th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Paris. Photos from MrsBinParis and
Anti-CPE Movement: Gare de Lyon, Paris, 30th March 2006 Photos of the blockade by 2,000 anti-CPE protesters of the Gare de Lyon in Paris on 30th March 2006.