Photographs from the 2009 demonstrations against the International Monetary Fund in Istanbul, Turkey. Copied to clipboard riots demonstrations International Monetary Fund (IMF) Turkey Comments
Impressions from Ankara: the Turkish protest movement A first person account, some background, and some analysis of the ongoing protests in Turkey.
Our commons - Who, why? - A statement from the movement in Turkey A statement produced by participants in the current street protests, strikes, and social struggle in…
Police use tear gas at EU docks protest Dockers protesting against EU plans to liberalise docks today were attacked by the police with water cannons and tear gas as they approached the…
Anti-CPE Movement: Paris anti-CPE riot, 23rd March 2006 Demonstration and riot of anti-CPE protesters in Paris on March 23rd 2006.
TUC March for the Alternative photo gallery Pictures from the day of the Trade Union Congress-organised 'March for the Alternative' against cuts on 26 March 2011.
I want to eat It kicked off in the Wansheng district of Chongqing this week, with many of its residents getting out on the streets to oppose the merger with Qijiang county, afraid that their living…