After the government announced cuts to subsidies for Asturias' coal mines, thousands of miners have begun strikes and militant direct action in a bid to save their communities. Copied to clipboard community activity strikes direct action Spain mining coal Comments7 NVM NVM Austrians have the right Austrians have the right idea! More high quality photo More high quality photo galleries here HorrorHiro wrote: Austrians HorrorHiro Austrians have the right idea! (facepalm) HorrorHiro wrote: Austrians HorrorHiro Austrians have the right idea! ;) Those Australians don't take Those Australians don't take no shit! ¿Australians?... ASTURIANS, ¿Australians?... ASTURIANS, from Asturias Community (Spain)
Asturias miners' strike: Letter from a miner A translation of a letter from a retired miner from Asturias, where miners have been on indefinite strike for weeks, explaining the dispute and…
A strike like no other strike: Pittston strike holds lessons for today Article by the United Mine Workers of America, 20 years on from the 10-month-long Pittston Coal…
The Nord-Pas-de-Calais miners' strike, 1941 A short history of the mass strike of miners in Nazi-occupied northern France from 27 May to 10 June. Despite heavy repression it won…
Drumheller coal mining strike of 1919 A short history of a strike by coal miners organised in the syndicalist One Big Union in Alberta which was repressed by bosses and the state.
1926: British general strike A short history of Britain’s only ever general strike which lasted 10 days and was called in support of locked-out coal miners.
The Ludlow massacre, 1914 - Sam Lowry The history of the Ludlow Massacre of striking coal miners, which was one of the most brutal attacks on organised labour in North American…
Austrians have the right
Austrians have the right idea!
More high quality photo
More high quality photo galleries here
HorrorHiro wrote: Austrians
HorrorHiro wrote: Austrians
Those Australians don't take
Those Australians don't take no shit!
¿Australians?... ASTURIANS,
¿Australians?... ASTURIANS, from Asturias Community (Spain)