After the government announced cuts to subsidies for Asturias' coal mines, thousands of miners have begun strikes and militant direct action in a bid to save their communities. Copied to clipboard community activity strikes direct action Spain mining coal Comments7 NVM NVM Austrians have the right Austrians have the right idea! More high quality photo More high quality photo galleries here HorrorHiro wrote: Austrians HorrorHiro Austrians have the right idea! (facepalm) HorrorHiro wrote: Austrians HorrorHiro Austrians have the right idea! ;) Those Australians don't take Those Australians don't take no shit! ¿Australians?... ASTURIANS, ¿Australians?... ASTURIANS, from Asturias Community (Spain)
Asturias miners' strike: Letter from a miner A translation of a letter from a retired miner from Asturias, where miners have been on indefinite strike for weeks, explaining the dispute and…
Tell us lies about the miners - Dave Douglass An angry study of the UK media campaign of distortion and lies against miners during the great strike of 1984-5, written by one of the…
Coalminers strike against Pittston Company in Virginia, 1989-1990 A short history of the successful 10 month long strike at Pittston Coal against cuts to retirement…
Birmingham district coal strike of 1908 A short history of the multiracial coal miners' strikes in Birmingham, Alabama, in the early 20th century which were violently repressed by mine…
The post-war strike wave in East, West, and Southern Africa From the end of the Second World War until the mid-'60s there was a wave of strikes in British East…
The Asturian Strikes of 1962-1963 Guy Debord's accounts of the massive strikes by miners in Franco's Spain, translated into English for the first time.
Austrians have the right
Austrians have the right idea!
More high quality photo
More high quality photo galleries here
HorrorHiro wrote: Austrians
HorrorHiro wrote: Austrians
Those Australians don't take
Those Australians don't take no shit!
¿Australians?... ASTURIANS,
¿Australians?... ASTURIANS, from Asturias Community (Spain)