Aufheben Issue #6. Contents listed below: Author Aufheben Copied to clipboard Attachments aufheben_06.pdf (7.74 MB) Aufheben #6 Editorial What was the USSR? Part I: Trotsky and state capitalism Death of a paper tiger: reflections on Class War Review: Whatever happened to the Situationists? Book traversal links for Aufheben #06 (Autumn 1997) Review of Senseless Acts of Beauty: Cultural Resistance Since the Sixities by George McKay Up Aufheben #6 Editorial Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Death of a paper tiger: reflections on Class War Class War's attempt to break out of the anarchist ghetto, which had been dominated by eccentrics and liberal pacifists, has had a profound impact…
Editorial: The ‘new’ workfare schemes in historical and class context The editorial from Aufheben #21, which is available in print now, discussing the current workfare…
Going underground Review article: Workmates – direct action workplace organising on the London underground.
Argentina 2001 uprising Treason pamphlet This pamphlet was produced to make available information about the massive working class revolts in Argentina in 2001-2. These struggles were…
A commune in Chiapas? Mexico and the Zapatista rebellion, 1994-2000 Since the occupation of January 1994, many have projected their hopes onto this 'exotic' struggle…