Copied to clipboard Aufheben Issue #8. Contents listed below: Attachments Aufheben08.pdf (8.78 MB) Aufheben #8 Editorial Conkers or bonkers? Humanitarian war in Kosovo The Retreat of Social Democracy ... Re-imposition of Work in Britain and the 'Social Europe' (Part 2) What was the USSR? Part III: Left communism and the Russian revolution Book traversal links for Aufheben #08 (Autumn 1999) State of the Unions: Recent US Labour Struggles in Perspective Up Aufheben #8 Editorial Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
How to kill an act of parliament: solidarity, agency and the dockers in the 1960s and 1970s A paper by Jack Saunders on how an unofficial network of workplace union reps…
Sanchez Guevara, Canek: Che’s anarchist grandson, 1974-2015 A short biography of Canek Sanchez Guevara, grandson of Che.
Class War #5 1984 Published February 1984. Including: Class War spring offensive, Stop The City, Class War Macho?, animal liberation, Class War vs Freedom, etc.
Digging deeper: issues in the miners' strike - Huw Beynon A collection of articles by 17 different authors analysing the UK miners' strike in detail. It…
Class War #13 1985 Including: CND = Wankers, miners in court, sex and anarchism, porn, crime, Edinburgh stop the city report, Bash The Rich march in Kensington…