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Aufheben latest issue
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The latest issue of Aufheben (#24) is available for £4 in the UK, £6 elsewhere.
Back Issues
UK: £2.50.
Europe: £5.00
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For comments on content of articles or subscription queries: aufheben99 [AT] yahoo.co.uk
For website problems: PM Joseph Kay
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Apologies for late mailout to
Apologies for late mailout to all subscribers and friends. Wrong kind of snow. Aufheben #19 is now in the post and will be with you soon.
Until Fail-back can get on
Until Fail-back can get on his dad's computer, or Special K responds to complaints about 'website problems', we are stuck with Paypal telling us you want '#18 - the latest' issue.
So - put a note with your Paypal order saying you actually want #19.
Even if you don't do that, I will assume that all Paypal payments of £3.50 are for #19 (since all back issues - including #18 - are £1.50).
Um. What does (STERLING ONLY)
Um. What does (STERLING ONLY) mean? I've been meaning to get hard copies for a while, but do not have a credit card or debit or anything like that.
Sterling only means cheques
Sterling only means cheques in £ rather than $. If you can't make pound cheques (I had a similar problem), contact them directly (aufheben99 at yahoo dot co dot uk) and they should be able to suggest suitable means of payment...
Aufheben 21 now mailed out to
Aufheben 21 now mailed out to all subscribers.
Issue 23 goes to press this
Issue 23 goes to press this week.
Christmas come early!
Christmas come early!
Aufheben 25 will not be
Aufheben 25 will not be published this Autumn as usual, but will instead come out in Spring 2018. Articles: Southern Rail, privatisation and the guards' & drivers' dispute; the guardianship tenancies scam; Corbynism's compromise with New Labour; and more...