Eddy Morrison, leader of the fascist British People's Party was attacked and hospitalised today in Leeds as local people opposed to race hatred disrupted a meeting of the group.

On a well-known neo-Nazi message board, one poster reported:
"Eddy Morrison was attacked today by around 8 red scum while he stood at the re-direction point for today's meeting in Leeds of the British People's Party.
"Eddy was rushed by the mob and pummelled until he fell to the ground, whereupon the cowards started to run off but not before one smashed a bottle on Eddy's head. Through a comrade who was with Eddy, and who was also assaulted, Eddy managed to send a message to the meeting.
"A comrade and myself promptly left and went to the scene of the assault outside Headingley stadium where a rugby match was taking place. I approached a steward who informed me which hospital had admitted Eddy.
"We rushed there and went into A&E where I found Eddy and Ken sitting in a waiting-room. Eddy had a huge bandage on his head and was covered in blood. He wasn't able to tell me much as he was pretty badly shaken, but managed to convey that his attackers were AFA*. The police had been informed but hadn't yet arrived.
"We went back to the meeting and gave an update.
"After the meeting the Secretary had a call to say that Eddy was still in the waiting-room and he had not yet received the required stitches. This was some three hours after the actual assault. Why the delay? Your guess is as good as mine!
"AFA, the 635 group, brave lads attacking two middle-aged men. Our day will come!"
* Libcom editors' note: the anti-fascist group AFA disbanded several years ago. You can read a history of them here:
:> http://libcom.org/history/articles/afa-anti-fascist-action