Report on a 1992 strike at a metal finishing company following a worker suffering miscarriage, after management refused her light duties.

Asian women at Burnsalls, a metal finishing company in Smethwick, have been on strike since June for better health and safety, equal pay, and union rights. Conditions in the factory were so bad that one worker suffered a miscarriage after her request to be transferred to lighter duties was refused by management.
The women have had strong community support with over 300 people attending picket lines on Saturdays. On 28 November hundreds of people joined a march through Birmingham in support of the strikers. The women are determined to continue with their struggle. In the words of one striker, Kuldip Dhaliwal, "We're not going to leave the picket line till we win".
Strikers have faced intimidation from management and scab workers. A striker's car was recently sprayed with acid.
send donations/ messages of support to: Burnsalls Strike Fund, GMB Will Thorne House, 2 Birmingham Road, Halesowen B63 3HP.
European Counter Network, December 1992. Taken from the Practical History website.