Issue 13 of The Commoner Magazine

1: Introduction: Energy Crisis (Among Others) Is In The Air Kolya Abramsky and Massimo De Angelis
15: Fossil Fuels, Capitalism, And Class Struggle Tom Keefer
23: Energy And Labor In The World-Economy Kolya Abramsky
45: Open Letter On Climate Change: “Save The Planet From Capitalism” Evo Morales
53: A Discourse On Prophetic Method: Oil Crises And Political Economy, Past And Future George Caffentzis
73: Iraqi Oil Workers Movements: Spaces Of Transformation And Transition Ewa Jasiewicz
85: The Global Carbon Trade Debate: For Or Against The Privatisation Of The Air? Patrick Bond
103: Climate Change, Social Change—And The ‘Other Footprint’ Ariel Salleh
115: Video Clip: H2Oil Directed by Shannon Walsh, Produced by Loaded Pictures
117: The Smell Of Money: Alberta’s Tar Sands Shannon Walsh
129: An Authentic Story About How A Local Community Became Self-Sufficient In Pollution-Free Energy And Created A Source Of Income For The Citizens Jane Kruse and Preben Maegaard
141: The Rocky Road To A Real Transition: The Transition Towns Movement And What It Means For Social Change TRAPESE Collective
169: The Ecological Debt Of Agro-Fuels Mónica Vargas Collazos
187: Dynamics Of A Songful Resistance Tatiana Roa Avendaño and Jessica Toloza
203: Wind Conflicts In The Isthmus Of Tehuantepec—The Role Of Ownership And Decision-Making Models In Indigenous Resistance To Wind Projects In Southern Mexico Sergio Oceransky
223: The End Of One Danish Windmill Co-operative Jane Kruse