Blog post for people to post links to stories about police brutality and violence. Trigger warning for police violence and sexual violence.

For a while I have thought it would be good for someone to have a blog on libcom dedicated to keeping track of police violence.
However, in the absence of anyone volunteering to do that I thought I could put up this blog post and then anyone can post links with short summaries in the comments below as a kind of repository of news of police brutality and abuse of their power.
Even though I have no faith in the police as an institution there to protect us in any way, I have been shocked by the sheer number and sheer outrageousness of police abuses recently that it has prompted me to actually post this up.
So, please post your links and summaries below, and if somebody wants to take on contributing this sort of thing to libcom on a running basis please let me know.
US cops enter man's home
US cops enter man's home without a warrant, shoot him dead, claim it was self-defence even though he was unarmed:
Family call an ambulance over
Family call an ambulance over suicide attempt, cops decide to cancel the ambulance, arrive and shoot the unarmed black guy dead instead:
'Er he was aggressive with weapons, or something.'
Pig steals demonstrator's bag
Pig steals demonstrator's bag at 2nd October Tlatelolco massacre commemoration demo in Mexico City, but unfortunately for him, everytime he takes a photo with his ill-gotten phone, it's uploaded onto Facebook by an anti-theft app. You can see a picture of the sorry prick here:
Cops racially profile,
Cops racially profile, assault and arrest a black guy in London, failing to notice he's a nationally known actor, get sued for £50,000:
Cop smashes woman's face,
Cop smashes woman's face, just because (warning: violent).
Cops go undercover in school,
Cops go undercover in school, bully an autistic, bipolar teenager into buying them drugs to the point he starts self-harming, then eventually relents and buys the drugs. They then arrest the kid in class for dealing, lock him up, and get him expelled.
Drunken off-duty deputy tried
Drunken off-duty deputy tried to arrest woman at bar when she resisted his advances
4/11/13 Leon Briggs, 38, from
Leon Briggs, 38, from Luton, died after being detained in the town on Monday under the Mental Health Act. He was seen being restrained, pinned down and screaming constantly in pain, complaining his cuffs were too tight.
There's so much that could be
There's so much that could be said about the increase on the increase in state repression in the UK, the "crackdown" on student protest - similar moves are going on in Spain - the Duggan trial this week heard from a witness who swore he had been shot in cold blood and this sickening episode Join the police force - get away with murder.
Plymouth, UK: Police use
Plymouth, UK: Police use 50,000-volt Taser on 15-year-old schoolboy with learning difficulties after being called in over 'scuffle'
12/12/13: Texas university
12/12/13: Texas university police shoot and kill unarmed student during a traffic stop in suspicious circumstances
December 2013, US: police
December 2013, US: police shoot and kill unarmed mother of three in alleged drugs raid
Radley Balko's 'The Rise of
Radley Balko's 'The Rise of the Warrior Cop' is an interesting book about the miliatarisation of american police forces. Specifically the growth of SWAT teams and their use of military equipment largely to serve low risk drug warrants and the accompanying machismo that extends to their recruitment but is functionally useless as SWAT teams are actually pretty nervous about tackling people with guns rather than serving midnight no-knock warrants.
Woman who miscarried in
Woman who miscarried in private prison 'made to clean up after herself,' court told
A woman who had a miscarriage at a private prison was left to clean up after herself while the foetus remained in her cell, it has been alleged.
Although a nurse was present when remand prisoner Nadine Wright, 37, lost her baby, she says the foetus was left with her afterwards and that she had to clean up the blood.
Her barrister, Philip Gibbs, told Leicester Crown Court: “There was blood everywhere and she was made to clean it up.
“The baby was not removed from the cell. It was quite appalling. It was very traumatic. She only received health care three days later, after the governor intervened.”
The incident allegedly took place the day after Wright was taken into custody at HMP Peterborough on 23 November. It was not revealed in court how many months pregnant she was.
Mr Gibbs told the court that Wright had landed in prison after she stole £13.94 worth of food out of desperate hunger as she did not have the money to pay for it because she had not been given benefit payments she was entitled to...
Unbelievably lenient sentence
Unbelievably lenient sentence for cop who fingered suspects’ anuses
Not just a British or an
Not just a British or an American phenomenon, police murderers in Italy get their jobs back..
Aldrovandi killers to return to uniform
20.12.13: the police officers
20.12.13: the police officers mentioned above who smashed up the car of an IKEA worker with baseball bats lose a libel trial against Channel 4 over their coverage of the attack:
02/2/14: Michigan police
02/2/14: Michigan police officer forcibly cuts a restrained black woman's hair off. It is caught on film so the officer is fired, however it is clear that other police were involved, tying the woman to the chair and standing there while her hair is hacked off:
03/02/14: UK police officer
03/02/14: UK police officer at an anti-fracking protest knocks pedestrian observer to the ground then attempts to frame him for drink-driving, caught on film
Queensland police taser woman
Queensland police taser woman in the eye and hold her on the ground for 30 mins
Meanwhile, also in Queensland, two police charged raping a woman while on duty:
Also, reports in the Indonesia press that Australian Navy personnel killed two asylum seekers:
Google translation:
5/2/14: UK police officer
5/2/14: UK police officer caught on video smashing up the car of a 70-year-old pensioner is awarded £440,000 compensation after being teased by colleagues
Officer framing citizen on
Officer framing citizen on camera at a protest, UK
19/02/14 UK: two police
19/02/14 UK: two police accidentally leave voicemail for a 19-year-old victim of domestic violence calling her a "fucking slag" and "fucking bitch", because they turned up late to meet her to take a statement. Not suspended, but placed on "restricted duties".
Steven. wrote: 19/02/14 UK:
Holy shit.
NOW that's what I call police
NOW that's what I call police brutality!
Cop drags to the floor and
Cop drags to the floor and repeatedly punches woman he suspects of shoplifting with no provocation:
Police shoot and kill an
Police shoot and kill an homeless man for camping, Alberquerque, USA.
TW: Video contains footage of police shooting.
FBI Investigating Albuquerque Police Shooting Of Camper
Edit: not sure if others can see the video above or not but here's a link to it if not:
Not strictly law enforcement
Not strictly law enforcement but South African mine owners are purchasing paintball equipped drones for crowd control in strike situations.
I know paintball markers are not new in police arsenals, Israel, Turkey, parts of the US use them but as far as I know this is the first time they've been used in conjunction with drone technology, and generally they're not seen as a serious weapon, after all people use them to play with. However, the ones used by the police (and in this case private security) are not to be confused with the sporting equipment, they're calibrated at a much higher velocity which is permitted for playing and what they shoot are not paintballs, they have chemical irritants, sometimes they're weighted with bismuth, they use plastic pellets which can break glass. A few years back a woman died in Boston when she took a hit with a pepperball from the police in the eye.
There seems to me to be a proliferation of "non-lethal" police weaponry, which largely seems to go uncommented upon in the mainstream, of which this is just one example.
Pittsburgh, 16/06/2014:
Pittsburgh, 16/06/2014: police officer attacks teenage girl at gay pride event
California cop repeatedly
California cop repeatedly punches pinned down woman in the head and face on the side of the road:
Quote: The New York Police
Petey, just saw the video of
Petey, just saw the video of that on Facebook, so sad :(
I'm on a phone, the URL tells
I'm on a phone, the URL tells the story
UK police taser, pepper spray
UK police taser, pepper spray and restrain a man having an epileptic seizure, who then dies:
Quote: St. Louis County
07/08/14, London: police
07/08/14, London: police officer is convicted of assaulting a mentally ill Somalian man and a taxi driver
Cop walks up behind another and punches him in the jaw. And how the hell do cops make 125 grand a year?
Quote: On Monday night while,
jef costello
overtime maybe, though cops enjoy a good pay scale all over this area
Quote: Cop walks up behind
I'm not a fan of any cop but if we're have to have them they should all follow this guys excellent example.
15/08/14: father of three
15/08/14: father of three dies after 10 min beating from LAPD officers outside his home
13/08/14: "mentally challenged" man, Ezell Ford, shot to death by LAPD. They later claim he went for one of their guns, so I guess we'll see…
19/07/14, LA: mentally ill man hospitalised after being beaten by police officers for not leaving the basketball court quickly enough
… And of course Mike Brown, an unarmed black teenager is shot six times and killed by police in Ferguson, Missouri. Days of rioting ensue. Discussion and updates here:
22/08/14, St Louis: just a
22/08/14, St Louis: just a few miles from where police killed Mike Brown, police shot and killed another black man on Tuesday. They initially claimed he was threatening them with a knife and came within 3-4 feet of them. But now video footage of the killing has surfaced, which shows that wasn't true. Basically a guy showing clear signs of psychological distress is pacing around about 10 feet from them saying "shoot me" when they fill him with bullets:
Researchers: Police likely
Researchers: Police likely provoke protestors — not the other way around
Swedish police horse charges
Swedish police horse charges largely calm antifascist protest in Malmö.
They also drive a police van into people just standing around. The fascists from Svenskarnas Parti could including supporters all fit into ONE police van.
Cooked, those pictures with
Cooked, those pictures with the horses are horrible! It is lucky nobody was killed.
15/08/14: New Orleans police officer turns off her video camera before shooting a man twice:
25/08/14: Georgia restores gun rights to ex-police officer who raped a domestic violence victim who had dialled 911, and also tried to sodomise her with his gun (further trigger warning for sexual violence). The same officer had also previously beaten a prisoner so badly his brain bled, and pressured at least 10 other women into sex to avoid arrest: Http://
26/08/14, Ohio: police shoot
26/08/14, Ohio: police shoot and kill an African-American man in Walmart who was leaning on a toy gun, talking on the phone and facing away from police:
27/08/14, Minnesota: police tase and arrest an African-American man for refusing to state his name (n.b. there is no law requiring people to give their name to police)
25/08/14, Kansas: police
25/08/14, Kansas: police shoot unarmed, suicidal teenager 16 times while his family begs them not to:
Quote: For decades, Florida
Quote: From the moment Los
There have been clashes on
There have been clashes on the outskirts of Naples over this and some cop cars have been smashed up.. I think a demo has been called for today as well..
Carabiniere who shot Naples boy probed - update
01/09/14, Oklahoma: police
01/09/14, Oklahoma: police officer charged with raping and sexually assaulting eight black women while on patrol
06/09/14, Louisiana: police officer resigns after racist text messages sent from his phone, released
LAPD Confuses Black Actress
LAPD Confuses Black Actress Kissing White Husband for Prostitute
Quote: Several Los Angeles
warning: picture at link
I think I posted that one
I think I posted that one couple of years ago!
24/09/14: US police officer
24/09/14: US police officer filmed shooting an unarmed black man in a gas station. At least this time the officer has actually been charged, although with a relatively minor offence, rather than attempted murder:
Quote: Two cops have been
yikes it's from 2012
there's been a great deal of
there's been a great deal of this sort of thing too
Police pepper sprayed this
Police pepper sprayed this black lad with white foster parents in his own home:
Quote: An elderly woman got
02/11/14 Austin, Texas: two
02/11/14 Austin, Texas: two police officers recorded making rape jokes
"a rare police brutality rap"
update Quote: The
07/11/14: racist cops (and
07/11/14: racist cops (and media) whine claiming Minneapolis mayor made gang signs with a known criminal, because she posed for a photograph with a black charity volunteer
Florida cop breaks 14 year
Florida cop breaks 14 year old girl's arm, while attempting to carry out an illegal search of her cell phone.
08/11/14: Evidence has been
08/11/14: Evidence has been uncovered showing how the Metropolitan police colluded with companies running an illegal blacklist of building worker union activists
18/11/14: police officer in
18/11/14: police officer in Denver indicted for murdering his wife for possibly smoking cannabis. He then tried to claim she committed suicide and was helped by a colleague to cover up evidence of the killing
19/11/14: police in Ventura, raid the house of an innocent family and throw a grenade into the bedroom of a two-year-old child, despite being warned he was there, burning him and causing him to be injured by broken glass
Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy
Tamir Rice, a 12 year old boy in Cleveland, has died of his injuries. He was shot twice in the stomach by police. He was carrying a Airsoft replica gun. (For those who are not familiar, they fire little, usually plastic, pellets.)
29/11/14: Police in Florida
29/11/14: Police in Florida fire on an unarmed black man carrying his daughter as he was trying to save her from a severe asthma attack
no indictment in garner
no indictment in garner death
Fleur wrote: Tamir Rice, a 12
06/12/14: a former St Louis
06/12/14: a former St Louis cop writes for the Washington Post, arguing that the police force are institutionally racist, violent and abusive, and they won't change unless individual officers start being punished
frank serpico: Quote: But
frank serpico:
09/12/14, Phoenix: another
09/12/14, Phoenix: another unarmed black man shot and killed by a white police officer
Quote: A Texas cop is under
Pigs in Northern Territory,
Pigs in Northern Territory, Australia choke-hold and strip 13-year old
17/12/14: American police
17/12/14: American police officer starts selling T-shirts mocking the killing of Eric Garner with the slogan "Breathe easy: don't break the law"
Quote: Chad Chadwick has
Quote: The New York Post is
23/12/14: retired cop sings
23/12/14: retired cop sings racist song joking about the killing of Michael Brown to police officers' charity event
31/12/14: American cops
31/12/14: American cops fortunately caught on camera attacking a black man in his car, and delivery crashing into him, then falsely accusing him of trying to take their gun, trumping up various charges against him and then covering up the video:
29/12/14, New York: NYPD officer blows whistle and secretly tapes his superior officer ordering him to stop and frisk black males aged 14 to 21. Ostracised and called a "rat" by his fellow officers:
04/01/15: off-duty cop in New
04/01/15: off-duty cop in New York attacks a female subway worker. This article is an interesting look at how the media covered the attack before and after it was revealed it was perpetrated by a police officer (spoiler alert: it was rude about the attacker beforehand, but very nice afterwards)
*ahem* petey
though the addicting info is a very interesting article
Sorry about that Pete,
Sorry about that Pete, although I think the additional article about the media coverage is useful in itself.
07/01/15, Iowa: Cop attempts to shoot family dog, shoots and kills a woman instead in front of her husband and child
Was this thread started in
Was this thread started in the AYN days? It's a bit of a cider and loud music classic.
plasmatelly wrote: Was this
not really sure what that means? Looking at the OP, it was started May 14 2012
Steven. wrote: Sorry about
yeah it is, sorry about my pissy.
jesus h. christ in a chicken basket.
Quote: Prosecutors here said
16/01/15, Miami: police
16/01/15, Miami: police caught using photographs of black teenagers for shooting target practice. Then their commander defends the practice
23/01/15, London: police
23/01/15, London: police officer who kicked and punched a mother who was holding onto her sick daughter in hospital acquitted
21/01/15, New Jersey: video footage confirms eyewitness accounts that police shot and killed an unarmed black man who was holding his arms up and surrendering at a traffic stop
24/01/15, Cairo: socialist
24/01/15, Cairo: socialist mother shot and killed by police by "nonlethal" birdshot ammo as she took part in a peaceful demonstration on the eve of the anniversary of the 25 January uprising
23/01/15, UK: two police
23/01/15, UK: two police firearms officers who beat a deer to death with a crowbar keep their jobs following a disciplinary investigation
petey wrote: Prosecutors here
you can just guess.
Interesting, thanks for that
Interesting, thanks for that Petey.
I got two more:
28/01/15, Québec: Native American woman handcuffed by police in a police cruiser beside an unrestrained sex offender who then raped her (trigger warning for mention of sexual violence)
29/01/15, Seattle: police officer pepper sprays peaceful people walking by a protest on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
02/02/15, Palm Beach: a
02/02/15, Palm Beach: a sheriff involved in a number of previous appalling incidents detailed below has now told drivers to run over Black Lives Matter protesters:
Steven. wrote: 28/01/15,
Quote: A grand jury has
Cop drugs and rapes
Cop drugs and rapes 16-year-old and up to 14 others via
02/02/15, US: police officers
02/02/15, US: police officers hold 11-year-old black girl at gunpoint when responding to a burglary at her home
Quote: The FBI is
dashcam video in link
14/02/15, Washington: police
14/02/15, Washington: police caught on video shooting and killing an unarmed Mexican national
Quote: Police Beating Led To
16/02/15, Daytona: cop
16/02/15, Daytona: cop threatens to arrest journalist for debating him on Facebook
Quote: Two police officers
I'm going to be like you now
I'm going to be like you now Petey and point out I posted that one a while ago!
24/02/15, Cleveland: texts
24/02/15, Cleveland: texts show police who fired 137 shots and killed two people knew they were unarmed
Steven. wrote: I'm going to
02/03/15, LA: police taze
02/03/15, LA: police taze then shoot and kill unarmed homeless man, caught on camera
08/03/15, Madison, Wisconsin:
08/03/15, Madison, Wisconsin: white police shoot and kill another unarmed black teenager in his home
02/15, London: four police
02/15, London: four police officers being investigated for gross misconduct after the death of an 18-year-old boy on a moped being chased. The family claim police constantly harassed their son, who had no criminal convictions, and are responsible for his death
Quote: It is easy to forget
pix and vid in link
16/03/15, San Francisco:
16/03/15, San Francisco: Three current and one former police officer caught trading horrific racist text messages, including saying it's okay to kill black people because you're allowed to put down animals. And they get to keep their jobs:
24/03/15, New York: African
24/03/15, New York: African American businesswoman is arrested, sedated, detained in a psychiatric hospital and forcibly medicated as police and medical professionals refused to believe she had a high-powered career. Eventually released after eight days, then charged $13,000 for medical bills!
The regularity of your posts
The regularity of your posts on this thread is macabre.
In the interests of balance perhaps there could be a thread publicising acts of proletarian counter-terror published in the media.
Quote: A white police officer®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
petey wrote: Quote: A white
yeah, this is outrageous. Thankfully somebody filmed it. The cop just shot the guy multiple times in the back as he was running away.
Although if it hadn't been for Mike Brown and the riots, I'm sure that cop would have got off scot-free as well (of course, he may still get acquitted, but at least he will have to stand trial)
… more on this story, have a
… more on this story, have a look at what these pieces of shit said about that killing before they found out someone filmed it:
(TLDR version: basically they said the guy went for the cops taser, and the cop shot him in the struggle in self-defence)
07/04/15, San Francisco: more
07/04/15, San Francisco: more text messages between SF cops leaked, including one saying "All N*ggers must fucking hang", as well as offensive comments about gay men, Filipinos and Hispanics. They are still working for the police force…
10/04/15, New York: NYPD
10/04/15, New York: NYPD officers break the leg of an NBA player, after two of his friends were stabbed in a nightclub. Media originally recount the police's statement of events as fact:
07/04/15, Blackburn, UK:
07/04/15, Blackburn, UK: police officer pepper sprays an armed man, already restrained on the ground:
12/04/15, Tulsa: wealthy
12/04/15, Tulsa: wealthy 73-year-old reserve deputy shoots and kills unarmed black man, Eric Harris, caught on film. Then claims it was an accident.
06/04/15, Idaho: police shoot
06/04/15, Idaho: police shoot and kill mentally ill pregnant Native American woman holding a knife who was taken hospital because she was threatening to harm herself. They only wait 15 seconds before killing her
Steven. wrote: Thankfully
17/04/15: NYPD says it's
17/04/15: NYPD says it's "embarrassed" by police website where NYPD officers post racist comments
18/04/15, St Louis: police
18/04/15, St Louis: police shoot and kill black man who had locked himself in his mum's house with a knife
13/04/15, Fairfax County,
13/04/15, Fairfax County, USA: confirmed that an African-American woman who was tazed four times and killed was already in handcuffs, leg shackles and mask restraint
20/04/15, Missouri: over 80% of the police force of a small town (5 out of 6) quit upon election of a black mayor:
Quote: Baltimore’s mayor has
Didn't notice this at the
Didn't notice this at the time but:
02/15, Pasco, Washington: police filmed shooting man down in the street
Quote: The state’s attorney®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
03/05/15, Baltimore: police
03/05/15, Baltimore: police pepper spray, assault and pepper spray peaceful just for walking:
06/05/15, Baltimore: police
06/05/15, Baltimore: police officer arrested for groping female and biting man's testicles
08/05/15, Baltimore: Most
08/05/15, Baltimore: Most senior Freddie Gray officer ordered love rival to be arrested, also had restraining order taken out against him for harassment
07/05/15, New York: white
07/05/15, New York: white police officers hold four black parole officers at gunpoint
19/05/15, Portugal: police
19/05/15, Portugal: police attack and beat football fan in front of his small son whom they restrain
20/05/15, London: police
20/05/15, London: police officer convicted of assault for attacking a student during the 2010 student demonstrations, who by a fluke was recorded trying to frame him. Despite this, he and two other police were cleared of perverting the course of justice, although they will face disciplinary charges
28/05/15, Chicago: photo
28/05/15, Chicago: photo released showing two police officers posing as hunters in a photograph over a black man they had dressed like an animal:
23/05/15, Cleveland: police officer acquitted for shooting two unarmed black people 49 times. Acquitted on the basis that other police fired an additional 88 shots at the pair, and they couldn't tell which killed them:
this is a follow-up Quote: At
this is a follow-up
docs in link
Quote: Way’s live-in
24/05/15, Virginia: police
24/05/15, Virginia: police officer tasers, point blank pepper sprays, then arrests and lets a car roll over the foot of a black man who was having a stroke. One cop resigned but the others are still on duty, and the only person facing charges is the stroke victim
Quote: Fatal police shootings
it never ends Quote: After
it never ends
29/5/15, US: Police officer
29/5/15, US: Police officer wrestles 8 months pregnant black woman to the ground for not disclosing her surname (which she doesn't need to disclose), on video:
01/06/15, California: police
01/06/15, California: police shoot and kill unarmed student
07/06/15, Texas: After
07/06/15, Texas: After someone called police because one of the neighbours had a pool party with "too many black people", one white police officer draws his gun on and attacks several African-American children. Thankfully someone filmed it on their smart phone and he has now been suspended, albeit on full pay
5 June 2015, Salinas,
5 June 2015, Salinas, California: this video was posted to YouTube that shows a group of five officers with the Salinas Police Department violently hitting a man they have pinned to the ground during an arrest on North Main Street. Even though the man is on the ground and not moving, officers can still be seen hitting him with clubs. A YouTube user by the name of Richard Boxing uploaded the video with the title, "Salinas Police Wrong."
In a press release dated June 6, the Salinas Police Department released the name of the man who was arrested as being Jose Velasco, age 28. The press release also states that Velasco was tased by the officers.
Police say they were dispatched to North Main Street for a male who was, "screaming, running into traffic and jumping on cars," and that he was "reported" to be, "trying to throw a woman (who turned out to be his mother) into traffic in front of cars," according to the press release. The police give conflicting information in the press release, and also say that, "the victim had also called in about her son running in traffic."
The press release can be viewed at:
In the comments section of the YouTube video, Antoinette Ramirez, who says she is Velasco's sister writes:
"The cop who came in running just to hit him in the head. Had to do that. He was already on the floor. And yes he is sick. And why was he in the streets my mom had him their. So don't talk before you know the story you might have seen it. But you don't know the hole story. You don't known mom or my brother.
In danger to the cops come on they have guns. They know how to use them sticks. As you can see.
I didn't see my brother reaching for any of them cops. But okay.
Good job salinas PD
Ya okay."
"My Poor Brother. He is mentally ill and the cops had no right to keep hitting him he was already on the floor. The cops have done this to many times. I se the cops in the ER walking around like they got hurt. Bull shit. He didn't hurt any of them cops. And to do that in front of my mom is so harsh. Praying for everyone in salinas. The cops are out of control. And they can be who's going to stop them :("
"He didn't try to kill my mom. You guys don't know shit. You dum ass fuck heads. She walked away just fine. You all talk but don't know nothing. The day it's someone close to you. I'm sure you'll be crying to. But till then good job cops right. It's always good job to the cops. Even when they kill this young men. Stupid ass ppl you don't know shit."
"No he did not try to hurt or kill my mom. Everyone can say what they want but only God knows the truth."
Steven. wrote: 07/06/15,
Update: the cop has resigned
admin note: off topic post by Curious Wednesday unpublished. This is a warning.
10/06/15, Santa Ana: police
10/06/15, Santa Ana: police violently raid legal cannabis dispensary, pointing guns at and mocking ill and disabled patients. They then proceed to attempt to destroy CCTV cameras and recording equipment (but not all of it), then steal and eat cannabis products
28/05/15, Sydney: Police
28/05/15, Sydney: Police severely beat young plumber of Lebanese origin following a car chase which the young man denies being involved in.
"At least 309 police officers
"At least 309 police officers and police community support officers in the UK have been convicted of offences in the last three years, figures show."
"However, only 25 of the 45 forces gave figures to the Press Association after a Freedom of Information request."
"The Metropolitan Police, the UK's biggest force, said 178 police officers were convicted between 2012 and 31 March 2015"
(ETA: These aren't necessarily convictions for violence, but nonetheless worth bringing up when people bang on about what a good job the cops are doing, a few bad apples, etc.)
02/09/14, Minnesota: One I
02/09/14, Minnesota: One I missed from last year. An African-American man is assaulted, tazed, arrested and charged merely sitting while waiting to pick his kids up from daycare
22/07/15, Texas: African American woman, Sandra Bland, dies in police custody under suspicious circumstances, as police claim it was suicide. Police arrest video footage has a jump in it making it look like it was edited, however police claim that was a technical error. She had been arrested following being threatened then violently assaulted by police officer during a traffic stop for a minor infraction, who then was recorded lying about the incident over the phone
23/07/15, New York: police filmed violently beating African-American man, who wasn't resisting arrest for allegedly stealing a slice of pizza. Also subsequently charged with resisting arrest
26/07/15, Philadelphia: Native American community activist found dead in his cell following arrest for minor traffic violation. The family have organised an independent autopsy to get answers:
28/07/15, Cincinnati:
28/07/15, Cincinnati: African-American male Sam DuBose is pulled over by police in a routine traffic stop, but ends up dead with his face blown off. The officer who killed him was wearing a body camera but the city is refusing to release the footage, fearing riots
2014: cop who killed Sam
2014: cop who killed Sam Dubose filmed harassing two other black men in a traffic stop
In further Dubose news, the two police officers who corroborated the killer's initial false account (that he was dragged along by the car before shooting) won't face any charges:
04/08/15, South Carolina:
04/08/15, South Carolina: police shoot and kill a teenage boy when trying to buy marijuana in a sting operation
update: Quote: An undercover
2009, Denver: new animation
2009, Denver: new animation of an account of a brutal beating of an innocent black teenager by racist police:
21/08/15, St Louis: autopsy
21/08/15, St Louis: autopsy shows 18-year-old black male killed by police was shot in the back, lending credence to eyewitnesses who said he was unarmed and fleeing when police shot him, as opposed to the police account which was that he turned towards them and had a gun
01/09/15, Georgia, US: This
01/09/15, Georgia, US: This one really is something. Police enter a house by mistake, shoot the dog, shoot the homeowner and shoot another cop
23/10/2015, Scotland: police
23/10/2015, Scotland: police may face charges over killing of a black father by police
Quote: A federal jury Friday
ps, he was 77 when this was done to him.
It's great he won his
It's great he won his lawsuit!
In other news: 10/15, South Carolina, police officer filmed attacking a black schoolgirl in class
Steven. wrote: It's great he
he was fired
and yet ...
Guardian's running
Guardian's running count
Cheers Petey. In related
Cheers Petey. In related news:
01/11/15, US: and Associated Press investigation shows that hundreds of American police officers have been sacked recently for sexual offences like rape and possessing child pornography (and of course this is ignoring the many more who will have gone unreported and unpunished)
beat me to it John! (surely
beat me to it John!
(surely the same article)
Quote: ALEXANDRIA, La. —
Reminiscent of Rodney King in
Reminiscent of Rodney King in L.A., on November 12, 2015 Alameda County Sheriffs chased Stanislav Petrov across the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge from San Leandro and then beat him to a pulp in an alley in San Francisco's Mission District. So bad, that even after reconstructive surgery -- including inserting metal rods -- he might not regain the use of one arm and will permanently be unable to move his fingers.
Thankfully, the good liberals (and I do say that sincerely) in the San Francisco Public Defenders office released this video: [youtube]irh3JUch7Hg[/youtube]
From the local public news station's website:
[quote=KQED]Victim of Alameda Deputies’ Beating Still Hospitalized
A man beaten and arrested by Alameda County sheriff’s deputies in San Francisco early Thursday remains hospitalized and in custody of that department, a sheriff’s spokesman says, correcting reports that Stanislav Petrov had been released from San Francisco General Hospital and was jailed in the East Bay.
Olga Petrova, who says she is Petrov’s mother, contacted KQED Saturday trying to locate her son.
“I could picture him being in a coma or brain-dead or fully physically disabled for the rest of his life,” she wrote in an email. “After they methodically beat him on his head, I am really terrified to learn about his current state.”
Alameda County Public Defender Brendon Woods said after visiting Petrov at San Francisco General on Sunday that he suffered multiple lacerations to the back of his head but was alert and talking. Woods said both of Petrov’s arms were “crushed” in the beating. ‘I was shocked, outraged and disgusted. … I counted over 30 baton strikes. I’m not sure what facts would justify that sort of brutal beating.’ Brendon Woods, Alameda County Public Defender
“From his elbow through his hands are swollen,” Woods said. “It looks like he has several broken bones in both of his hands or arm areas.”
“I don’t plan on letting this go at all,” he said. “I think it’s just disgusting. The guy is clearly about to give up. … You hear smack, smack, smack. He’s yelling ‘Stop!’ It’s just terrible.”
Reached by phone Saturday, Olga Petrova said the incident had shaken her trust in law enforcement.
“It’s gone,” she said. “Those people, I want them. I want to have a lawsuit. I want them to pay not from American taxpayers. I want them to pay from their pension funds. I want them to pay for how they tried to kill him and what they have done to me.”
Petrova said she emigrated with her son, who she calls “Stas,” from Ukraine to San Francisco 18 years ago. She said her son, now 29, has led a difficult life — diagnosed with multiple mental disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. She said he had suffered several concussions in the past.
“He was diagnosed in his early childhood,” she said. “He was born a blue baby and he was fighting for his development.”
Petrova said Petrov was prescribed Ritalin as a child, which she believes led him to use methamphetamines as an adult.
“He is my life,” Petrova said. “When we have poor, misfortunate, sick kids, we probably feel more compassion.”
Her recent contact with her son has been intermittent, she said, and the last time she saw him was about two months ago after she’d been searching for a while.
“I kissed him promptly and I asked him, ‘Stas, please be careful, I don’t know what is going on with you. Please be careful, I am exhausted, I can’t stand these sleepless nights,’ ” she said.
Petrova said her son is often “unpredictable,” and he struggles with finishing complicated tasks. She again lost touch with him and was shocked when she saw him being tackled and beaten on television.
“People who know him tell me, ‘He loves you to death,’ ” Petrova said. “It’s a very painful kind of love.”[/quote]
Quote: Chicago police Officer
Quote: The Alabama Justice
19/06/15, Georgia: police
19/06/15, Georgia: police officer attacks innocent African American man, uses handcuffs as a weapon to choke him and tazes him unconscious, then arrests him
03/12/15, San Francisco:
03/12/15, San Francisco: police gun down black man possibly armed with just a knife, killing him (caught on video):
Quote: A police officer who
Video released of Laquan
Video released of Laquan McDonald shooting, very violent so beware, but if you watch it clearly shows this kid was walking away from police officers who killed him anyway and then lied and said he was rushing towards them.
Quote: A grand jury in
Quote: A jury found former
Bob Lambert, former police
Bob Lambert, former police spy, has resigned from his counter-terrorism lecturer posts at University of St Andrews and London Metropolitan University.
Quote: Police Detective David
12/01/16, Pennsylvania:
12/01/16, Pennsylvania: police shoot 12-year-old girl to death while evicting her family from their home:
Another Metropolitan Police
Another Metropolitan Police infiltrator exposed:
^ That was on Newsnight last
^ That was on Newsnight last night, as the main piece. You can watch it on Iplayer.
Quote: DECATUR, Ga. — A white
Quote: A former Oklahoma
2015 final
2015 final tally
black police officer awarded
black police officer awarded $15 million after being savagely beaten and arrested by fellow officers at his daughter's birthday party
Woman with Asperger's
Woman with Asperger's syndrome who shared viral dog video shot dead by police in Arizona
Soapy wrote: Woman with
absolute scum
I ... I just ... What the
I ... I just ... What the ...
11/02/16, Chicago: a police
11/02/16, Chicago: a police officer who killed an unarmed black student and a 55-year-old bystander is suing the dead boy's family for $10 million
28/2/16, Salt Lake City:
28/2/16, Salt Lake City: police shoot teenage boy holding a broomstick
23/02/16, California: police
23/02/16, California: police shoot and kill sleeping black couple in their car
14/03/16, Chicago: Police
14/03/16, Chicago: Police officers recorded saying “Typical f---ing n-----s” and “Black lives matter, my a--” over police radio:
Quote: Five former New
this was the police
this was the police too
Quote: A New York City police
IPCC criticises Sussex police
IPCC criticises Sussex police over hooding of disabled 11-year-old girl
Quote: “Dyfed-Powys police
Sounds like another case of cops being called out because of worries about someone's personal welfare only to end up killing them.
06/07/16, Louisiana: it's
06/07/16, Louisiana: it's happened again. White police shooting kill a black man while pinning him to the floor: