Curzon cinema workers have won union recognition after a high profile campaign as an agreement was reached between union officials and Curzon management.

Under the agreement Curzon management will recognise the Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU) as representing all 150 employees at its cinemas.
BECTU and the company management will work towards achieving shared objectives for the commercial success of the business according to a joint statement announcing the agreement.
The company has also made a commitment to start paying the London living wage at some point.
Philip Knatchbull, chief executive for Curzon, said: "We have a commitment to pay the Living Wage, in London and outside of the capital, as soon as we are able to do so without it tipping the company from its current break even position into loss making."
The campaign started last year by Curzon workers was demanding union recognition, the living wage of £8.80 an hour, the re-introduction of concession tickets and improved communication from management.
Nice to see the word "win" in
Nice to see the word "win" in the same sentence as "SolFed" - well done all!
Anybody knows any news about
Anybody knows any news about how things are progressing? I guess it's still early days, but I had a quick look at the FB page didn't see anything new since the announcement of the recognition agreement.